
Aerobic dance consists of choreographed sequences performed with music accompaniment, combining movements of
lower and upper body musculature. Since heart rate indicates the intensity of the exercise, the present study examined
the effect of different arm positions in heart rate (exercise and recovery) during high impact aerobic dance, [1].

Twelve adult women (21±0.3 years old) volunteered to participate in three choreographed sequences. All trials
consisted of identical leg movements. However, arm movements were differentiated for each situation. During the first
sequence arms were put on waist, while during the second and third sequence arm movements were performed below
and above shoulder level, respectively. The interval between the trials was four days. The heart rate was measured using
heart rate monitors (Polar, S610). Each sequence consisted of 10 minutes duration (without the warming-up) and the
music was in 136-138 beats/min.

The results were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA with repeated measures for exercise (in 0, 5 and 10min of the
aerobic dance) and recovery (in 1 and 3 min after exercise). The level of significance was set at a = 0.05. A nonsignificant
effect of arm position height in heart rate was indicated during high impact aerobic dance. The first figure
demonstrates the heart rate during exercise and recovery and the second the average heart rate in exercise for each

Conclusions/ Discussion
In conclusion, it appears that in high impact aerobic dance the arm position has no effect in the intensity of exercise,
which is in accordance with similar previous studies, [2,3]. It is plausible in another session of low or moderate impact
aerobic dance the results would be different.

[1] American College Sport Medicine, position stand (1998). The recommended quantity and quality of exercise for
developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness and flexibility in healthy adults. Medicine and
Science in Sport and Exercise, 30(6), 975-991.
[2] Bell, J., M., Bassey, E., J. (1994). A comparison of the relation between oxygen uptake and heart rate during
different styles of aerobic dance and traditional step test in women. European Journal of Applied Physiology and
Occupational Physiology, 68(1):20-24.
[3] Schaeffer-Gerschutz, S., A., Darby, L., A., Browder, K., D. (2000). Differentiated ratings of perceived excertion
and physiological responses during aerobic dance steps by impact/type of arm movement. Perceptual and Motor Skills,

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