
This study examined the effects of music in lesson satisfaction and intrinsic-extrinsic motivation in senior students
during the physical education class.

Method and procedure
200 students, aged 16-17 years old, participated in the research which was held through questionnaires.
A short intervention was designed. A lesson was developed based on Mosston’s practice style of teaching. The same
lesson was taught under three experimental conditions: a) without music, b) with music chosen by the teacher and c)
with music chosen by high school students. In each class, the three experimental conditions were randomly applied in
order to avoid the order effect.
The following questionnaires were used: a) lesson satisfaction was assessed through Duda & Nicholls (1992) and b)
Situational Motivation Scale developed by Vallerand et al (1997). All scales had high indicators of internal consistency

The repeated measures analysis of variance was conducted by using the method of Latin squares. The results indicated
important differences between the experimental conditions (F=80.57, p<.001). The results from Tukey post-hoc tests
showed that when the practice style implemented with music, students scored higher in the scales of lesson satisfaction,
intrinsic motivation, and identified regulation while at the same time they scored lower in extrinsic motivation and
amotivation scale (see Table 1).

Discussion/ Conclusions
The results from the research have shown that use of music during teaching, combining a teaching method which
emphasizes in increased academic learning time, has a positive effect in lesson satisfaction and intrinsic motivation of
senior students.

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