

In order to improve quality and to raise the standards of university sports teaching in China, it is necessary to explore and determine the impact of modern educational technology on long-established teaching methods in China’s colleges and universities. With the advent of modern educational technology, which has as its core the vast powers of the internet, computers, multi-media, and a range of hi-tech developments, as well as the backing of educational psychology and economics, indeed, the teaching of university sports today is at the very brink of major development and advancement. The purpose of this paper is to give timely support and direction to such changes within China’s educational system.


Extensive documents research, expert interviews, models and analysis.


1. Present status of the application of modern educational technology in China, using selected, key universities in Beijing and Shanghai as subjects of study: (1) Computer networks have facilitated teaching interaction and (2) CAI, CAT and other teaching and coaching software have been developed for such subjects as biomechanics, basketball, gymnastics and a few other sports.
2. Impact of modern educational technology on Chinese university sport teaching: (1) renovation of Chinese sport teaching methods; (2) change in teaching concepts and methods; and (3) reform of teaching values.
3. The teaching of university sports in China can benefit from modern educational technology in the 21st century through the following: (1) reform traditional teaching methods through the establishment of teaching programs, which take advantage of CAI and CAD, so as to more fully realize the learning potential of each student; (2) more comprehensive application of available hi-tech, such as multimedia and internet, in order to maximize each institution’s instructional potential-without the limitation of classrooms and other structural facilities; and (3) improvement of teaching evaluation as the preliminary of more effective instructional management, which has as its goal: computer-monitored teaching and receipt of timely feedback in a fully automated sports teaching, management and evaluation system.

Discssion/ Conclusions

Modern educational technology is a powerful tool, which must be used wisely if overall development of Chinese sports teaching is to be achieved in the 21st century. To do so, the following are required: 1. Make timely and wise investments to facilitate and accelerate the development of university sports teaching programs in China. 2. Prioritize the planning and development of teaching software, artificial intelligence and internet support to meet existing and foreseeable needs


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