

The interactions, in a socio-historical perspective, are built from socio-cultural contents creating representations, meanings and values that, once internalized by the subject, will permeate the everyday of the several situations lived by him, helping or making difficult significant and those which make possible the qualified jumps of development and transformation interactions. Based on the Socio-Historical Theory postulated by Vygotsky this data tried to verify the effects that a certain moment of Interaction can have in the way of thinking and acting of future teachers. In order to do it, a group of graduating students from the Graduation Course of Physical Education, from a private university which participated voluntarily as subjects of the research. Data was based on the study of case, more specifically based on "critical incidents" that happen in Physical Education classes at school. In this study, the term "critical incident" was used meaning systematic occurrence of a fact or event that provokes any kind of disturbance in the pedagogical activities (differently from "accident", that means casual occurrence, not intentional).


At the first stage of data collection, it was applied a questionnaire with the description of three "critical incidents", to which 59 voluntary students answered individually and in written form. The answers were categorized by the criterion suitable/ unsuitable. From this point, it was selected 3 students that proposed suitable solutions for the 3 situations and 3 students that proposed unsuitable solutions. At the second stage, these students discussed - in group and with the mediation of the researcher - each "critical incident". At the end of the discussion, they answered (individually and in written) the same questionnaire of the first stage. At this stage, the aim was to verify the effect of the interactive meeting on the direction given by the participants for each situation and its effects.


The results indicated a different position toward Vygotsky’s conception about the effects of interaction. He’s pointed out that it leads to a possible positive changes, promotting good and positive development. However, this data has indicated on the contrary, that the position assumed by the leaders and recognized by the partners at a certain moment of the interaction may lead to a positive or negative result, depending on the quality of the agenda of negotiation established among the integral subjects, as well as the aims to be reached. Therefore data suggests an important analisys toward not only to the quality of mediation promoted by teachers, but also, to that changes are possible if values, meanings are attributed to the experiences in interaction and to the persons involved in it.


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