
The Physical Activity Network of the Americas - PANA/RAFA was inspired by a combination of local and international factors. The Agita São Paulo Program and other community-based programs in the Americas demonstrated that PA promotion was timely and feasible. On the International front, WHO expanded its health promotion efforts into PA starting with a planning meeting Geneva in 1997. During two consecutive scientific meetings in São Paulo in 1998 and 1999 (CELAFISCS International Symposium of Sports Sciences), representatives from several countries of the Americas discussed and developed the first official document to promote PA in the Americas entitled "Manifesto of São Paulo," and it has served as the basis for PA promotion through the Americas. These various efforts led in October 2000 to the establishment of the Physical Activity Network of the Americas (Red de Actividad Física para las Americas), with strong support from the CDC, ACSM, CELAFISCS and PAHO.  The Vision of PANA is to promote PA for better health among all people in the Americas; and the Mission is to strengthen efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle through participation in regular PA by facilitating the integration and dissemination of policies, programs, strategies and experiences of local and national networks and institutions. The Guiding Principles of PANA/RAFA are: a- to be an inclusive network integrating members of public, private organizations both nationally and internationally; b- to focus on population-based public health research and programs; c- to encourage the exchange of experience and knowledge; and d- to provide an environment that enhances professional development. The main programs that are part of the Network in different latin America countries: Argentina (A Moverse Argentina, Argentina en Movimiento,  Salí a Moverte, Sacudete); Bolivia (Muévete Bolivia), Colombia (launched in 2002 the Colombian PA Network, which includes the largest group of PA programs -12- in Latin América: Muévase Pues, Muévete Bogotá, Risaralda Activa, Buga en Movimiento, Guajira Activa, Madrúgale a la Salud, Palpita/Vibra Quindío, Cauca Activa, Cundinamarca Activa y Positiva, Boyacá Activa, Colombia Activa y Saludable, Cali en Movimiento); Costa Rica (Movámonos Costa Rica), Ecuador (A Moverse Ecuador), Guatemala, México (Programa Nacional de Activación Física), Panamá (Muévete Panamá), Paraguay, Perú (Muévete Perú), Uruguay, and Venezuela (Venezuela en Movimiento, Red Venezolana de Vida Activa). In addition, in Europe, Portugal set up the Mexa-se Mais in Oeiras  and Mexa-se pela sua saúde from Ilha da Madeira programs.

Agita Mundo Network  WHO chose PA as the theme for World Health Day 2002 when nearly 2,000 events were held in 148 countries to celebrate the occasion in 63 languages. In October 2002 a Network organization named for the "Agita Mundo - Move for Health" had its preliminary meeting in São Paulo. In April 2003 the organization was officially launched, with the support of over 180 international and national institutions. Its main purpose is to promote PA around the world as an instrument to promote people’s biological, psychological, and social health. To help achieve that objective, a mega-event, Agita Mundo - Move for Health Day, has been planned for April 6th of every year. In 2003, over 2,100 events on five continents commemorated that event. The purpose of the Agita Mundo - Move for Health Network is to promote PA as a healthy behavior for people of all ages, nations, and characteristics. The Agita Mundo - Move For Health Network will stimulate research, encourage the dissemination of information on the health benefits of PA and effective strategies to increase PA, advocate for PA and health, and support the development of national and local programs and networks for PA promotion.

The specific objectives of the Agita Mundo - Move for Health Network are to:

  1. Advocate for PA and health through an annual Move for Health Day and other community-based and community-wide events, and inform policy makers of the importance of PA in public policy.
  2. Widely disseminate a clear, simple and consistently delivered message about the health and social benefits of at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day.
  3. Stimulate the creation of regional and international networks for physical activity promotion and provide linkages between these networks.
  4. Promote and disseminate innovative approaches to develop alliances around the world to promote PA and good health.
  5. Share good practices and effective strategies and programs through websites, meetings, workshops, and publications.

Besides the celebration on Agita Mundo - Move for Health 2004 on April 6th (other more convenient dates according to different countries); RAFA and Agita Mundo Network agree to give first priority in supporting the WHO Global Strategy and Diet, Physical Activity and Health, to be officially announced in the World Healthy Assembly, May, 2004.