The Multidimensionality Of Service Quality At 2016 Rio Olympic Games

Por Tiago Miguel Ribeiro (Autor), Abel Correia (Autor), Rui Biscaia (Autor),

Parte de Mega Events Footprints: Past, Present And Future - as Pegadas dos Megaeventos . páginas 817 - 836


This study aims to verify multidimensional service quality in the Olympic GamesGames with a particular focus on RIO 2016. During 2016, we
conducted interviews with directors and managers working for RIO 2016 and its stakeholders. We highlight some footprints in three main areas: internal corporate governance, external corporate
governance (stakeholders) and legacy as a corporate governance component. These lessons learnt from the RIO 2016 experience are applicable to other sport organisations, including the Organising Committees for Olympic and Paralympic Games.
KEYWORDS: Corporate Governance, Sport Organisations, OCOGs