

The purpose of this study was to understand Teachers College students to process adapted physical education (APE) of curriculum and instruction by using their teaching reflective journals.  The rehearsal was adopted teaching grouping for curriculum and instruction in teaching reflective process or curriculum and instruction feeling.   Advanced to explore how affected teaching reflection or modify the instruction factors of instruction in order to modify the curriculum design for references.  There were 143 Taitung Teachers College students who took APE by majors of PE and Special Education for Teacher Education.  They rehearsed in one by one, two by one, or one by two 4 weeks in the school year.  After rehearsal, Teachers College students would keep the reflective journals.  After classes in group discussion, the researcher would use word-process to keep record.  Then by using content analysis to describe before and after rehearsal and different objective group in reflective journals.  Also, for the demand of research, the research would use Pearson’s related analysis, descriptive statistics, Chi Square and quantitive research to deal with all data for this study.  The followings were the results: (1) For Teachers College students, besides of department variables student numbers were significant with teaching reflective effect.  Other variables such gender, real grade, and with or without reflective training showed no related results; For Teachers College students’ personal background variables, besides of department variables and teaching reflective factors were significant.  Other variables such as gender, real grade, student number and with or without reflective training showed no any related results. (2) Affected the related reflections about other factors: the classroom teachers were the most important persons in the rehearsal special education background and medical professional knowledge, low-incidence disabilities for mental retardation (MR) students, school budget limit, weather problems, and MR students’ habits and favors, etc.  (3) Discussion after rehearsals, Teacher College students shared experiences and professor’s guidance would help improve teaching activities and meet MR students’ demands. Teaching content could also promote students’ learning motivations and enjoy teaching achievement.

Keywords: Reflective Journal, Teachers College student, Adapted Physical Education, Teacher Education



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