We sent out information on World Physical Activity Day today to our membership via Sports Medicine Bulletin (our weekly e-newsletter which goes out to more than 20,000 ACSM members). I thought you might like to see how we promoted World Physical Activity Day to our membership, so I’ll forward you a copy of the e-newsletter momentarily. You can also access the full issue online at http://www.multibriefs.com/briefs/acsm/acsm032211.php.


In addition to running the message in today’s SMB, we have also promoted World Physical Activity Day to our Regional Chapters, to our global Exercise is Medicine network, and to the public.  We have several social media messages scheduled over the next few weeks as well via our Facebook (view) and Twitter (view) pages.


I hope this helps, Victor.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.


Thank you for allowing us to spread the word about this important event! 




 Ashley Crockett-Lohr
Communications and Public Information Manager
American College of Sports Medicine


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