Pessoal, trata-se de uma bolsa de doutorado que não inclui despesas pessoais, só o custo do curso. Quem tiver interessado tem que correr: inscrições fecham dia 11 de abril. Ligeiro !!!
PhD Scholarship (fees only) - Sport, Learning Disability and the European Union Historical and Social Studies


A PhD research studentship covering tuition fee costs within the International Centre for Sports History and Culture (ICSHC), an internationally renowned centre for the history of sport is available to suitably qualified UK or EU students.

The aim of this project is to write a contemporary history of the relationship between sport, learning disability and the European Union between c.1960 to 2005. It will investigate the evolution of EU policies regarding the provision of sport and exercise for people with learning disabilities. 
For a more detailed description of the studentship project please visit our web site or contact Dr Neil Carter on +44 (0)116 207 8316 or email

Further information

This research opportunity is one of 28 scholarships funded by DMU in 2011/12 to build on our excellent achievements in the RAE2008 and looking forward to REF2014. It will develop the university’s research capacity into new and evolving areas of study, enhancing DMU’s national and international research partnerships.


Applications are invited from UK or EU students with a good first degree (First, 2:1 or equivalent) in a relevant subject.  Doctoral scholarships are available for up to three years full-time study starting October 2011 which will cover the cost of University tuition fees.

Applicants should contact Anne McLoughlin to receive an application pack. Please or call +44 (0)116 250 6409/6179 for further details.

Please quote ref:  DMU studentships 2011

CLOSING DATE:  Monday 11 April 2011


Por Angelo Giacomini Ribas
em 28 de Março de 2011 às 17:57.

Importante:  "available to suitably qualified UK or EU students.", ou seja, tem que ter um passaporte vermelhinho ou pelo menos estar residindo legalmente na Europa a pelo menos 3 anos...

Para comentar, é necessário ser cadastrado no CEV fazer parte dessa comunidade.