Pessoal, segue resumo do acordo CEV-Universidade de Leipzig. Alguma alma altruista e poliglota bem que poderia adotar a tradução do resumo pra gente cadastrar ao artigo e a Revista Internacional de Ciência da Computação e Esporte na biblioteca do CEV. Laercio


Vincent, J.,  Stergiou, P. &  Katz, L. (2009). The role of  databases in sport science:  current practice and future  potential (Die Rolle von Datenbanken in der Sportwissenschaft:  Aktuelle Praxis und zukünftige Potenziale). Int. J. Computer Sci. Sport, 8 (2), 50-66. Zugriff am 26.02.2010 unter

Databases with the tools for capture, storage, management,  retrieval, integration, analysis, interpretation, reporting, and dissemination have the potential to be the single most powerful tools in sport science. Knowing how to collect, store, access, retrieve, and integrate information is critical to effective performance analysis and decision-making. Databases should form the underlying foundation of most other tools used in sport science as they provide the structure and access to the information that is the catalyst for most other applications. As the development of resources become more integrated, the value of databases increases and their role in system design becomes essential. This includes the ability to retrieve previous data for comparison with new performance and the use of data to highlight issues for deliberation. Databases are also useful as multimedia repositories of sports information. Sport involves human movement.This can be quantified with numerical data, graphics, and audio/video recordings. Multimedia resources in this context are exceptionally valuable, especially if the information can be accessed via creative interfaces that provide timely and efficient information that is tailored to each individual’s unique requirements. This paper discusses the nature of databases, the role of databases in sport science including design considerations, issues of integration, examples, and future potential. (Mikrofiche-Nummer: 19047)


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