Saiu no Elsevier Trends Research


Welcome to the 16th issue of Research Trends, in which we focus on career development, especially for early-career researchers (ECRs). ECRs are defined by Professor Alan M. Johnson in Charting a course for a successful research career. A guide for early career researchers as "researchers who are still planning and designing their research career, no matter how much time has passed since the award of their Ph.D."

Fundamental to any research career is ensuring that you publish your results in the best journals. Determining where to publish and tracking your performance can be facilitated by using citation-analysis tools, and we discuss the most significant metrics available.

Social-networking sites can also help researchers raise their profile and find collaboration partners; yet academics seem to be more interested in studying this phenomenon in their laboratories than actually participating.

In many professions, international experience can help candidates stand out in the job market, and this also true in the academic world. We discuss the merits of leaving your home institute to gain research experience abroad.

We also ask six successful early-career researchers from the UK/US, Poland and India for their secrets of success; no surprise that hard work is one of the most important. They also tell us how their performance is measured and the value of awards and publications to their careers.

Finally, we ask each of our successful early-career researchers to nominate their most inspirational researcher and then we review their publication records.
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We welcome your feedback on any of the topics covered.

Kind regards,

The Research Trends Editorial Board


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