Table of Contents

June 2010; 16 (2)

o               Jennifer Robertson

Gendering Humanoid Robots: Robo-Sexism in Japan

o               Lee F. Monaghan, Robert Hollands and Gary Prtichard

Obesity Epidemic Entrepreneurs: Types, Practices and Interests

o               Matthias Zick Varul

Talcott Parsons, the Sick Role and Chronic Illness

o               Sarah E.H. Moore

Is the Healthy Body Gendered? Toward a Feminist Critique of the New Paradigm of Health

o               Tanya Maria Zivkovic

Tibetan Buddhist Embodiment: The Religious Bodies of a Deceased Lama

o               Susie Scott

How to Look Good (Nearly) Naked: The Performative Regulation of the Swimmer’s Body

o               Patrick R. Grzanka

Book Review: Magnetic Appeal: MRI and the Myth of Transparency by Kelly A. Joyce Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, 2008, pp. 198, ISBN 978-0-8014-7456-9


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