Cevnautas dos Desportos Aquáticos,

Segue a boa notícia do Dr. Hartmut Sadner, diretor do Centro de Documentação e Informação Esportiva de Leipzig. Vamos bisbilhotecar e comentar? Se alguém adotar a tradução de resumo (um ou vários, com crédito e ponto pra o Lattes), publicamos na biblioteca do CEV.  Laércio


De: Sandner, Dr. Hartmut   03:51 (Há 4 horas)

Hello Li Guihua, Heike, Gavin, Chikara, Graham and Laercio
I would like to inform you and offer to you and your clients a new database with full-texts which we have just published (it is not yet fully in the final stage, as the design fine tuning is still to be completed). It is a database which we have prepared together with the steering committee of the International conference “Biomechanics and medicine in swimming” which arranges an international workshop every fourth year (the recent one was in Canberra). We have assembled all papers presented at these conferences during the years and have an agreement with the steering committee that also in future the publications of the next events will be included into this database.
It has a German and an English version and works with VuFind.
In addition we have developed a so called retrieval tablet for current contents (eight major topics) in the field which you find behind the SPONET button to keep the interested users informed on the latest publications in the fields
As swimming is one of the core sport of the Olympic program we have considered it worth and valuable to do so.
You find it with the following address
Please have a look on it and feel free to offer it to your swimming community.
Best regards from Leipzig
P.S. Any feedback is very welcome, especially with proposals to improve this offer!
Dr. Hartmut Sandner
Fachbereichsleiter Information Kommunikation Sport
Head of Department Information Communication Sport
Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft (IAT)
Fachbereich IKS
Marschnerstraße 29
04109 Leipzig
Tel.:              0341 4945 133
Fax:              0341 4945 400
E-Mail:        sandner@iat.uni-leipzig.de



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