Detection in urine of 4-methyl-2-hexaneamine, a doping agent
Auteur(s) / Author(s)PERRENOUD Laurent (1) ; SAUGY Martial (1) ; SAUDAN Christophe (1) ;
Affiliation(s) du ou des auteurs / Author(s) Affiliation(s)(1) Swiss Anti Doping Laboratory, University Center of Legal Medicine, Geneva and Lausanne, Chemin des Croisettes 22, 1066 Epalinges, SUISSE
Résumé / AbstractStimulants are banned in-competition for all categories of sports by the World Anti-Doping Agency. A simple liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay employing electrospray ionisation in positive mode was developed in that work for the quantification in urine specimens of 4-methyl-2-hexaneamine, a primary amine exhibiting sympathomimetic properties. Following a simple pretreatment procedure, the analyte was separated using a gradient mobile phase on reverse phase C8 column. Selected reaction monitoring m/z 116.2→57.3 was specific for detection of 4-methyl-2-hexaneamine and the assay exhibited a linear dynamic range of 50-700ng/mL. The validated method has been successfully applied to analyze the target compound in food supplements as well as in urine specimens. The administered drug (40 mg) was detected at the level of 350 ng/mL in the urine up to 4 days.
Revue / Journal TitleJournal of chromatography. B ISSN 1570-0232
Source / Source2009, vol. 877, no29, pp. 3767-3770 [4 page(s) (article)] (12 ref.)
Langue / LanguageAnglais
Editeur / PublisherElsevier, Amsterdam, PAYS-BAS (2002) (Revue)
Mots-clés anglais / English KeywordsGas chromatography ; Liquid chromatography ; Mass spectrometry ; Stimulant ; Doping ; Biological fluid ; Urine ; Detection ;
Mots-clés français / French KeywordsChromatographie phase gazeuse ; Chromatographie phase liquide ; Spectrométrie masse ; Stimulant ; Dopage ; Liquide biologique ; Urine ; Détection ;
Mots-clés espagnols / Spanish KeywordsCromatografía fase gaseosa ; Cromatografía fase líquida ; Espectrometría masa ; Estimulante ; Doping ; Líquido biológico ; Orina ; Detección ;
Mots-clés d’auteur / Author KeywordsDoping ; Stimulant ; Mass spectrometry ; Liquid chromatography ; Gas chromatography ;
Localisation / LocationINIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 8577 B, 35400017012296.0450
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