No programa deste evento tao importante, que contara com a presença dos brasileiros Victor Matsudo, Katia Rubio, Roberto Mesquita, Ricardo Steirn, Doutor em Cardiologia, Médico do Esporte e Educador Fisico (morte subita) e Maria Beatriz Rocha Ferreira (Profa. Dra. em jogos tradicionais e esportes) ha’ motivos pra manter as esperanças.
Com foco especial no Doping/Antidoping/Genética através de abordagens nao ortodoxas, temos :
Historical Aspects of Doping and Anti Doping: The Failure of Policy and Morality
Chair: Gertrud Pfister (Denmark)
Speakers: Michael Krüger (Germany), Paul Dimeo (UK), Thomas Hunt (USA), Verner Møller (Denmark), Terence Todd (USA), Jan Todd (USA)
Novel evidence-based approaches to the diction of doping in sport
Chair: Norbert Bachl (Austria)
Speakers: Martial Saugy (Switzerland), Mario Thevis (Germany), Chris Gore (Austria), Bengt Kayser (Switzerland), Errol Morrison (Jamaica), Yannis Pitsiladis (UK)
Rethinking the rationale for the fight against doping
Chair: Hoppeler H (Switzerland)
Speakers: S Loland (Norway), H Hoppeler (Switzerland)
Genetics and the future of sports medicine: clinical, ethical and scientific issues (Welcome Trust)
Chairs:Soren Holm (UK/Norway) Fabio Pigozzi (Italy)
Speakers: Soren Holm (UK), Mike McNamee (UK), Tom Murray (USA), Hugh Montgomery (UK), Yannis Pitsiladis (UK), Norbert Bachl (Germany)
Genetics of Elite Athlete Performance
Chair: Yun Chang (China)
Speakers: Claude Bouchard (USA), David Altshuler (USA), Saul Myerson (UK), Stephen M. Roth (Japan)
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