Cevnautas da Economia,

1. A edição especial da Service Industrial Journal -SIJ (Não parece periódico predatório, foi criado em 1983, publica 16 números por ano e tem impacto 1.017) está recebendo trabalhos para o tema “Developing a Service Research Agenda in Sports”. Lembrando que a SIJ publica, de maneira geral, artigos sobre os temas: Business, Management and Accounting; Economics, Finance, Business & Industry; Industry & Industrial Studies; Service Industries. No caso desta chamada para o esporte tem mais temas específicos no texto. 

Vamos submeter trabalhos e avisar os amigos do nosso Colégio Invisivel?  http://bit.ly/colegios_invisiveis

2. Estamos em campanha de ampliação da Comunidade Economia do Esporte. Espalhar esta nota para os amigos e conhecidos vale.

3. Na sequência colo:

a. A referência da Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Esporte, ABRIESP  (Para estreitarmos conversas & ações ABRIESP-CEV!)

b. A chamada de trabalhos da "The Service Industrial Journal"

c. O resumo de artigo recente da SIJ sobre esporte. Explico: Ainda não temos a revista na biblioteca do CEV. Quando um cevnauta adota a tradução de um resumo - com crédito que vale pros Lattes - publicamos a Revista e o resumo na biblioteca do CEV. Vale bisbilhotecar a revista para encontrar mais artigos.


Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Esporte
Presidente: Maurício Fernandez


Special issue: “Developing a Service Research Agenda in Sports”  

THE SERVICE INDUSTRIES JOURNAL - 2012 Journal Impact Factor: 1.017  

Guest Editor: Rodoula H. Tsiotsou  

Sport services are among the largest and fastest growing industries worldwide. Today's global sports industry is worth between €350 billion and €450 billion ($480-$620 billion), according to a recent A.T. Kearney study of sports teams, leagues and federations. This includes infrastructure construction, sporting goods, licensed products and live sports events (Zygband and Collignon, 2011). Given the significant and sustained growth of the sport industry worldwide, research is needed to gain a better understanding of the managerial and marketing aspects and practices of the industry. In line with service research priorities identified by Ostrom et al. (2010), the purpose of this special issue is to move forward and develop a holistic service-based research agenda for sport services by identifying and encouraging research in topics that have been ignored, neglected, or attracted limited academic attention so far.  

TOPICS of INTEREST   Conceptual and research papers, critical reviews, and both qualitative and quantitative studies discussing and researching topics related to sport services (spectator and participation sports – profit and non profit) are invited to be submitted. Interdisciplinary approaches are particularly welcome. Papers can fall under the one or more of the following indicative areas:  

. Improving Well-Being through Transformative Sport Services

. Innovation and Service Design in Sport Services

. Optimizing Service Networks and Value Chains in Sports

. Branding Sport Services

. Leveraging Technology to Enhance the Service Experience in Sports through Value Co-creation  

SUBMISSION GUIDELINES   Submissions should be accompanied by a cover letter that clearly states that the manuscript constitutes original work that has not previously been published, accepted for publication, or presently under consideration elsewhere.

Prior to submission it is expected that the Service Industries Journal author guidelines have been followed in full (http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=fsij20&page=instructions). Initial submissions will be reviewed by the guest editor and if judged suitable then placed for double-blind review. Articles should be no more than 6,000 words in length.  

Papers should be submitted online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/fsij between November 1, 2014 and March 1, 2015. Please select the tab for the special issue on "Developing a Service Research Agenda in Sports" when you submit your paper on the online platform.

Expected publication date of the Special Issue is in 2016.

Any questions about the special issue can be directed to the guest editor:  

Rodoula H. Tsiotsou Associate Professor of Services Marketing Department of Business Administration University of Macedonia, Greece

Email: rtsiotsou@uom.edu.gr or rtsiotsou@gmail.com    

c. Physical and social atmospheric effects in hedonic service consumption: customers' roles at sporting events

Volume 32, Issue 11, 2012 DOI:10.1080/02642069.2011.556190 Sebastian Uhricha* & Martin Benkensteina - pages 1741-1757  

Abstract This study examines the comparative effects of physical and social atmospherics in a hedonic service context. This article focuses on other customers as the social factors in the service environment and distinguishes three dimensions: density, appearance, and behaviour. The main purpose of this article is to highlight the relevance of other customers as the atmospheric factors of the servicescape. The findings of our empirical study suggest that in addition to the perceived physical properties, favourable perceptions of other customers – particularly, their behavioural patterns – exert a strong positive influence on favourable overall affective responses. These responses, in turn, have a positive impact on customers' on-site spending and positive word-of-mouth behaviours.  

FONTE: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02642069.2011.556190#.Uv9T__ldWrk  

Laércio   http://cev.org.br/qq/laercio


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