Cevnautas, Vai ser transmitido pela internet o Congresso Internacional Educação Física e Esporte na Escola que a UNESP promove em parceria com o Consulado Britânico e apoio do Ministério do Esporte. Além dos brasileiros especialistas no assunto (inclui a página do quem é quem dos palestrantes cevnautas) teremos ninguém menos do que a ex-presidente do Conselho Internacional de Educação Física e Ciências do Esporte - http://www.icsspe.org - Gudrun Doll‐Tepper e a especialista holandesa do SPLISS que esteve no seminário de esporte de alto nível na USO ano passado Veerle de Bosscher http://cev.org.br/eventos/simposio-internacional-sobre-politicas-para-o-esporte-alto-rendimento-contexto-internacional
3 nov 2014
09.30 Reception, coffee and refreshments
10.00 Welcome:
• Profa. Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge, Vice‐Rector of UNESP
• Minister of Sport (Representative)
• Minister of Education (Representativa)
• University of Birmingham: Prof. Malcolm Press, PVC for Research
• British Council
10.30 - 11:00
Introductory Lecture: Leveraging Sports Mega-Events Jonathan Grix (Sport Policy Centre, UoB)
11.00 - 12.30
Panel 1: Educational Legacies and Sports Mega‐Events
Working Group in Sport Education (André Arantes – Ministry of Sport – Brazil)
The Impact of Sports Mega‐Events on Physical Education and Sports in School (Mark Griffiths, UoB)
Mediator: Eduardo Kokubun http://cev.org.br/qq/eduardo-kokubun/ – Provost of Postgraduate Studies, UNESP
12.30 Lunch
13.30 - 15.30
Panel 2: Physical Education Policy: Examples from Abroad
Youth and School Sport in Germany (Gudrun Doll‐Tepper, Free University, Berlin)
The Youth and School Sport ‘System’ in the US (Natalie Smith, UIUC)
Physical Education and Sports in Schools in Australia (Niclas Jönsson, Australian Government Department of Education)
Mediator: Professor Joan Duda
15.30 - 17.30
Panel 3: Promoting Health, Participation and Values
Teaching values through Olympic Education (Kátia Rubio http://cev.org.br/qq/katrubio/ , University of São Paulo)
Selected results from the European PAPA project (Joan Duda, UoB)
Ricardo Capelli (National Secretary of Sports, Education, Leisure and Social Inclusion)
Olympic Values (Lamartine Pereira da Costa http://cev.org.br/qq/lamartine/ )
Sports Ministry from abroad (to be confirmed)
Mediator: José Barela (UNESP)
17.30 - 18:30
Summary:: Jonathan Grix (Uob) and José Barela (UNESP)
4 nov 2014
08.30 Coffee and refreshments
9.00 - 11.00
Panel 4: Talent Identification and School Sports
• The US ‘model’ (Natalie Smith)
• Successful youth talent ID systems (Veerle de Bosscher ‐ Belgium)
• Sports Ministry from abroad (to be confirmed)
• Mediator: Maria Tereza Bohme (USP)
11.00 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.30
Panel: Looking forward: what are the key “levers” to promoting Sports at School
Group 1 – discussion and wrapping up
Group 2 – discussion and wrapping up
Groups 3 – discussion and wrapping up
Mediator: Gudrun Doll‐Tepper and Veerle de Bosscher
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
14.30 - 16.30
Main points summarized from the small roundtables
Summary of group discussions: Jonathan Grix (University of Birmingham) and José Barela (UNESP)
Tentative recommendations and proposals regarding Physical Education and Sport in Schools
Open Session: remaining questions?
Closing remarks and thanks: Jonathan Grix
A TRANSMISSÃO: http://www.tv.unesp.br/esportenaescola
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