Cevnautas, Vai ser transmitido pela internet o Congresso Internacional Educação Física e Esporte na Escola que a UNESP promove em parceria com o Consulado Britânico e apoio do Ministério do Esporte. Além dos brasileiros especialistas no assunto (inclui a página do quem é quem dos palestrantes cevnautas) teremos ninguém menos do que a ex-presidente do Conselho Internacional de Educação Física e Ciências do Esporte - http://www.icsspe.org - Gudrun Doll‐Tepper e a especialista holandesa do SPLISS que esteve no seminário de esporte de alto nível na USO ano passado Veerle de Bosscher http://cev.org.br/eventos/simposio-internacional-sobre-politicas-para-o-esporte-alto-rendimento-contexto-internacional

3 nov 2014

09.30 Reception, coffee and refreshments

10.00 Welcome:

• Profa. Marilza Vieira Cunha Rudge, Vice‐Rector of UNESP

• Minister of Sport (Representative)

• Minister of Education (Representativa)

• University of Birmingham: Prof. Malcolm Press, PVC for Research

• British Council

10.30 - 11:00

Introductory Lecture: Leveraging Sports Mega-Events Jonathan Grix (Sport Policy Centre, UoB)

11.00 - 12.30

Panel 1: Educational Legacies and Sports Mega‐Events

 Working Group in Sport Education (André Arantes – Ministry of Sport – Brazil)

 The Impact of Sports Mega‐Events on Physical Education and Sports in School (Mark Griffiths, UoB)

Mediator: Eduardo Kokubun http://cev.org.br/qq/eduardo-kokubun/ – Provost of Postgraduate Studies, UNESP

12.30 Lunch

13.30 - 15.30

Panel 2: Physical Education Policy: Examples from Abroad

 Youth and School Sport in Germany (Gudrun Doll‐Tepper, Free University, Berlin)

 The Youth and School Sport ‘System’ in the US (Natalie Smith, UIUC)

 Physical Education and Sports in Schools in Australia (Niclas Jönsson, Australian Government Department of Education)

Mediator: Professor Joan Duda

15.30 - 17.30

Panel 3:  Promoting Health, Participation and Values

 Teaching values through Olympic Education (Kátia Rubio http://cev.org.br/qq/katrubio/ , University of São Paulo)

 Selected results from the European PAPA project (Joan Duda, UoB)

 Ricardo Capelli (National Secretary of Sports, Education, Leisure and Social Inclusion)

 Olympic Values (Lamartine Pereira da Costa http://cev.org.br/qq/lamartine/ )

 Sports Ministry from abroad (to be confirmed)

Mediator:  José Barela (UNESP)

17.30 - 18:30

Summary:: Jonathan Grix (Uob) and José Barela (UNESP)

4 nov 2014

08.30 Coffee and refreshments

9.00 - 11.00

Panel 4:  Talent Identification and School Sports

• The US ‘model’ (Natalie Smith)

• Successful youth talent ID systems (Veerle de Bosscher ‐ Belgium)

• Sports Ministry from abroad (to be confirmed)

• Mediator: Maria Tereza Bohme (USP)

11.00 Coffee Break

11.30 - 13.30

Panel: Looking forward: what are the key “levers” to promoting Sports at School

 Group 1 – discussion and wrapping up

 Group 2 – discussion and wrapping up

 Groups 3 – discussion and wrapping up

Mediator: Gudrun Doll‐Tepper and Veerle de Bosscher

13.30 - 14.30 Lunch

14.30 - 16.30

Main points summarized from the small roundtables

 Summary of group discussions: Jonathan Grix (University of Birmingham) and José Barela (UNESP)

 Tentative recommendations and proposals regarding Physical Education and Sport in Schools


Open Session: remaining questions?


Closing remarks and thanks: Jonathan Grix

A TRANSMISSÃO: http://www.tv.unesp.br/esportenaescola


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