Cevnautas, como todos sabemos, o órgão máximo credenciado pela UNESCO em Ciências do Esporte e Educação Física é o Conselho Internacional para as Ciências do Esporte. É uma honra ter na página principal do portal dois cevnautas de primeira hora: Victor e Sandra Matsudo: http://www.icsspe.org/ VIVA! Laercio
In accordance with its "Formal Associate Relationship" with UNESCO, ICSSPE serves as a permanent advisory body to UNESCO and regularly conducts research and other projects on behalf of this United Nations agency.
ICSSPE is also a "Recognised Organisation" of the International Olympic Committee, and a has a long tradition of co-operation with the world’s leading sport body. The IOC and ICSSPE have recently agreed to update their existing agreement and to work even more closely in the future (see also research projects).
In addition, ICSSPE collaborates with the World Health Organization (WHO) in the area of physical activity and health promotion.
ICSSPE and the International Federation of Sports Medicine (FIMS) maintain close links through ex-officio representation on each other’s Boards and co-operate in various areas of common interest.
ICSSPE also maintains contacts and links with the General Association of International Sport Federations (GAISF).
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