
O Brasil continua a ser o campeão mundial de exportação de atletas de futebol pra Europa: 179 no ano passado, segundo o anuário recem lançado pelo centro de estudos que a FIFA mantêm com a Universidade de Neuchatel.

Dá pra imaginar o desperdício e frustrações patrocinados por pais, dirigentes e ufanistas em geral, na máquina de moer carne e sonhos das peneiras infindáveis e meandros insondáveis do futebol brasileiro.

As nossas bibliotecas precisam ter o livro que estuda os países da Europa. Alguém conhece estudos desse tipo nos campenatos realizados fora da União Européia. Vamos em busca de algum brasileiro ligado ao CIES para mais informação sobre o Centro de Estudos?

Tem uma canja do livro com um mapa:


Apresentações e referência pra fazer a fichinha de pedido do livro na biblioteca (não adianta tentar no Ministério do Esporte; lá não tem biblioteca!!!!)

The CIES Football Observatory is happy to disclose the 6th edition of its annual Demographic Study on 31 top division leagues of UEFA member associations, 472 clubs and 11,653 players. The 96-page publication is divided in five chapters: club records, league comparison, league profile, international migration and youth talents. A free excerpt is available on the CIES Football Observatory website.

The Study shows that professional European football is still confronted with processes that do not necessarily augur well for its future. The cloud of economic stakes that hangs over sporting logics is flagrant in many clubs and countries. In general, the number of transfers carried out by teams during the current season is at an all-time high. A trend that is difficult to understand given the actual climate with its numerous financial difficulties.

The increasing speculation surrounding players’ transfers is also visible through the progressive drop in the number of club-trained players, which has attained its lowest level since 2009. Conversely, the percentage of expatriate players has risen for the second consecutive year. Here too, the figure has never been so high.

Demographic Study 2014 in Europe
96 pages
Author(s): R. Besson, R. Poli and L. Ravenel
Edition: Editions CIES
Date: 2014

The Demographic Study is an annual publication destined for anyone who wishes to acquire a detailed understanding of the European football players’ labour market. It presents the dynamics at work in the 31 most competitive top division leagues of UEFA member associations. Market trends are first measured at European level and are then analysed according to national championship. The last section presents the most employed U21 players for each league analysed. This allows us to identify some of the most promising footballers throughout Europe.




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