Depois que perdermos o Prof Tubino o Brasil ficou órfão na AIESEP. A diretoria hoje: http://www.aiesep.ulg.ac.be/pages/boards.php
Agora temos a oportunidade de recuperar o terreno perdido com uma campanha de afiliação das Escolas e Cursos do Brasil.
Além de poder votar e ser votado na eleição de 12 de fevereiro de 2014, quem se inscrever até 12 de dezembro de 2013 fica quites com a anuidade de 2014.
Precisamos fazer chegar essa informação aos Diretores e Coordenadores de Cursos de Educação Física (mais de 1.000?).
Vamos fazer uma cascata de comunicação? Cada um manda pra dois diretores amigos e pede pra ele avisar pelo menos mais dois. Eu fico com os Condiesef e vou replicar essa nota na comunidade Dirigentes de IES em Educação Física. http://cev.org.br/comunidade/dirigentes-ef
Um bom argumento para a afiliação é que, além dos benefícios e visibilidade que os cursos terão na AIESEP, dá pra ostentar nas propagandas e papel timbrado "Filiado à AIESEP - Association Internationale des Ecoles Supérieures d'Education Physique " ou " Filiado à AIESEP - International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education". Já pensou? Laércio
FLASH NEWSLETTER - October 10, 2013 - Special issue – 2014 AIESEP Elections
AIESEP (Association Internationale des Ecoles Supérieures d'Education Physique - International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education) is a multilingual and multicultural association of universities, colleges, institutes of physical education (PE) and sport, and individuals who support and contribute to the advancement of sport pedagogy research and scholarship. For more information, see http://www.aiesep.org. The "AIESEP Flash Newsletter" aims to establish contact with people from around the world potentially interested in sport pedagogy. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PROMOTE YOUR EVENT, PLEASE SEND INFORMATION TO PROF. MARC CLOES (10 lines max, in English, include email address of contact) at marc.cloes@ulg.ac.be
The 2014 General Assembly will be held on February 12, 2014, during the AIESEP World Congress in Auckland, New Zealand. The General Assembly, organized every four years, is a very important event for an international association such as AIESEP. In addition to the approval of activity reports, the financial report and any amendments to the Association’s constitution, the General Assembly involves the election of institutional members and individual members to the AIESEP Board of Directors and the election of the Association’s President and Secretary-General.
In accordance with AIESEP election guidelines, preparations for the 2014 General Assembly will officially begin on October 12, 2013 with the publication of information detailing the election process and the call for applications to serve on the AIESEP Board of Directors.
It is important to note that only those who have been registered 2014 members of AIESEP in the two months preceding the election (since December 12, 2013, at the latest) are eligible to vote. To facilitate this stipulation, the AIESEP Board has decided to allow any new membership or membership renewals made after September 15th 2013 to be extended to December 2014. So, if you wish to vote in the upcoming AIESEP General Election please ensure you process your membership before December 12.
A list of eligible individual and institutional members will be available on the Member’s Corner of the AIESEP website from October 12, 2013, and will be updated every two weeks until December 12.
Detailed guidelines for the election of the AIESEP Board of Directors 2014-2018 are currently available on the AIESEP website (Members’ Corner/Information). To access the Members’ Corner of the AIESEP website you will need the username and password provided to you when you registered/renewed your membership. Any member wishing to apply to serve on the AIESEP Board should carefully read these guidelines and process the relevant paperwork by the mentioned dates. Please note that the deadline for applications to the Board of Directors is December 12, 2013. No late applications will be accepted.
Finally, if any 2014 member wished to propose items for inclusion in the agenda of the General Assembly he/she should contact the Secretary General no later than December 12, 2013.
Secretary General of AIESEP
Association Internationale des Ecoles Supérieures d'Education Physique
International Association of Physical Education in Higher Education
Department of Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Liege
Allee des Sports, 4 Bat. B-21
B-4000 LIEGE
Tél. : +32 (0)4 366.38.80
Fax. : +32 (0)4 366. 29.01
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