Cevnautas, o Boletim do SIRC deste mês trada do voluntariado. Como está em inglês, estamos conclamando as almas caridosas e poliglotas pra adotar a tradução (traduzir só um item vale!). Como sabemos todos, o SIRC é o editor do Sportdiscus e, também, o maior centro muindial de informação técnica e científica em Educação Física e Esportes. Interessados em adotar resumos devem escrever direto pra laercio@cev.org.br.
Recruiting, selection, references, training, recognition and retention is just as important with volunteers as it would be with paid employees. Often recruiting volunteers is a major hurdle faced by organizations. Why not try looking at the older or younger generations for a new pool of recruits? It is important to remember a proper background check is essential when someone wants to volunteer and this becomes critical when they will be working with children. Don’t forget this vital step just because the labour is free. Finally, work with your volunteers to ensure they have enough training. This will also help determine what keeps them motivated and happy, ensuring they continue to volunteer with your organization.
* Recruitment
* Volunteer Coaches
* Attract & Keep Talented Volunteers
* Background Check
* Older Volunteers
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