Special Issue: The Unintended Policy Consequences of the Olympics

Guest Editor: Karl Spracklen, Leeds Metropolitan University

With globalized and commodified cycles of bidding and hosting, the impacts and continuing legacies of sporting mega-events like the Olympics are of obvious interest to academics and policy-makers. As well as supposedly beneficial policy connections between these mega-events and tourism and leisure, such as increased profits in host-city hotels and legacies of facilities available to promote participation in sport, there are local and global policy consequences on tourism and leisure that challenge the notion of benefit. In the year of the 2012 London Olympics, this special issue of the 

Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events invites researchers from a wide range of social sciences to contribute critical research on the policy consequences of bidding for and hosting the Olympics. Possible research topics may include the implications of the Olympics for grassroots sport and leisure activities; the quality of life of people living in the shadow of Olympic construction sites; the environmental consequences of the event; media representation of athletes; or research on the associated cultural programmes.

Those interested in contributing to this issue should contact the Guest Editor, Karl Spracklen.


Papers should be submitted by Friday 28 January 2011 to k.spracklen@leedsmet.ac.uk

Author guidelines and further details can be found at:



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