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Sakamoto, K.,  Geisler, G.,  Nakayama, M. &  Asai, T. (2010). Kinematics of the foot joint in female soccer players during  the ball impact phase of kicking (Kinematik des Fußgelenks von  Fußballerinnen beim Treten des Balles). Procedia Engineering, 2 (2), 2549-2554. Zugriff am 17.08.2010 unter http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B9869-508WXJK- 2/2/5e3c5ff6c35114af8a1a45a759c63923

The purpose of this study was to reveal the kinematic interactions that occur in female soccer players during the ball impact phase of kicking. A total of 34 soccer players (17 females  and 17 males) performed maximal instep kicks, infront kicks, and  inside kicks while the behavior of the ball and kicking foot were captured three dimensionally by two high-speed cameras at 1,000 fps.Statistically significant differences emerged between the   male and female players. Specifically, the mean values for ball velocity and foot velocity of the three types of kicks were lower among female players than male players (p<.05). Moreover, the coefficient of restitution of the inside kick was larger for   female players than for male players (p<.05). (Mikrofiche-Nummer:  20212)


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