Cevnautas, a edição semestral da SIG newsletter é um lugar de boa visibilidade e interação para os pesquisadores e estudantes. Vamos submeter trabalhos? Laercio

PS: A página sobre Mulher e Esporte no SIG: http://appliedsportpsych.org/about/sigs/women-sports

de    LEEJA M CARTER <tub84261@temple.edu>
data    18 de março de 2011 01:08
assunto    Women in Sports Newsletter Submissions!  
Hi Women in Sports SIG members!

I am resending the announcement for submissions for the Women in Sports newsletter for those interested.

The Women in Sports SIG is looking for contributions to our Summer/Spring newsletter! The Women in Sports SIG newsletter is published twice a year (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter). Unsolicited contributions from members are welcomed and must be relevant to issues concerning the purpose of the women in sports SIG (see below). Additionally, contributions should not have been published elsewhere. All submissions should be sent to the Editor, Leeja Carter (lmcarter@temple.edu), and be received by April 15th for the Spring/ Summer issue (published June 1st) and October 15th for the Fall/Winter issue (distributed December 1st). Authors should ensure that their manuscripts comply with all APA publication and ethical guidelines.

Women In Sports (SIG Purpose)
The Women in Sports SIG will maintain a position that works to promote research and practice within the areas of gender equality in sport, perception of female sport participation, promotion of female sport participation, and promotion of healthy behaviors and body satisfaction (e.g., self-esteem, positive body image, etc.) within adult and youth, female sport participants.

Leeja Carter
Doctoral Student, Temple University
Instructor of Psychology, Rutgers University
Email: lmcarter@temple.edu
Email: lmcarter@camden.rutgers.edu
PT Blog: The Inner Athlete


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