In wanting to expand the special interest groups available through AASP, I
am proposing a Women in Sports SIG. Currently, I am recruiting members for
this SIG and if you are interested in becoming a member, please reply to
this email as I would like to compile a list of current AASP members that
are interested in joining. Names of interested members will be submitted
along with the SIG proposal. Below is a general summary of the SIG, feel
free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or ideas.

The Women in Sports SIG will maintain a position that works to promote
research and practice within the areas of gender equality in sport,
perception of female sport participation, promotion of female sport
participation, and promotion of healthy behaviors and body satisfaction
(e.g., self-esteem, positive body image, etc.) concerning women
participating in sport.

I hope you are interested! And please feel free to pass this email along!

Leeja Carter

Leeja Carter, Doctoral Student
Department of Kinesiology
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA 19122 USA
Telephone: 856.225.6485


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