
Um novo artigo relacionando o polimorfismo do gene da ACTN-3 em jogadores de futebol.

Eduardo Mendonça Pimenta · Daniel Barbosa Coelho · Izinara Rosse Cruz · Rodrigo Figueiredo Morandi · Christiano Eduardo Veneroso · Guilherme de Azambuja Pussieldi · Maria Raquel Santos Carvalho · Emerson Silami-Garcia · José Antonio De Paz Fernández The ACTN3 genotype in soccer players in response to acute eccentric training. Eur J Appl Physiol DOI 10.1007/s00421-011-2109-7

Abstract Genetic factors can interfere with sporting
performance. The identiWcation of genetic predisposition of
soccer players brings important information to trainers and
coaches for individual training loads adjustment. DiVerent
responses to eccentric training could be observed by the
genotype referred to as -actinin-3 (ACTN3) in biomarkers
of muscle damage, hormones and inXammatory responses.
The aim of this study was to compare acute inXammatory
responses, muscle damage and hormonal variations accord-
ing to the eccentric training in soccer professional athletes
with diVerent genetic proWles of ACTN3 (XX, RX and
RR). 37 soccer professional athletes (9 XX, 13 RX, 15 RR)
were randomly divided into  Wve stations associated to
eccentric muscle contraction and plyometrics. Blood sam-
ples were taken from athletes pre-eccentric training, imme-
diately after (post), 2- and  4-h post-eccentric training to
determine hormone responses (cortisol and testosterone),
muscle damage (CK and  -actin), and inXammatory
responses (IL-6). After eccentric training, athletes XX pre-
sented higher levels for CK (4-h post), -actin (post and 2-h
post) and cortisol (post) compared to RR and RX athletes.
However, RR and RX athletes presented higher levels of
testosterone (post) and IL-6 (2 h post and 4 h post) com-
pared to athletes XX. The main conclusion of this study is
that professional soccer athletes homozygous to
ACTN3XX gene are more susceptible to eccentric damage
and present a higher catabolic state, demonstrated by meta-
bolic, hormonal and immune responses post an eccentric
training, in comparison to ACTN3RR and ACTN3RX


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