Cevnautas da Gestão,

Material de pesquisa é o que não nos flata, némesmo?


Lisa Kihl PhD lkihl@umn.edu por  listserv.unb.ca

Dear NASSM members
...call for papers for the European Sport Management Quarterly joint special issue - Part 1: Corruption in sport - co-edited by Dr. Lisa. A. Kihl, University of Minnesota, Dr. Terry Engelberg, James Cook University, Dr. James Skinner (J.L.Skinner@lboro.ac.uk), Loughborough University, and Dr. Stephen Moston (stephen.moston@jcu.edu.au), James Cook University.

Part 2: Sport management issues in an era of austerity-co-edited by
Dr. Daniel Parnell, Leeds Beckett University, Professor Karl Spracklen, Leeds Beckett University, and Dr. Peter Millward, Liverpool John Moores University.
Please consider submitting your work and/or forwarding to interested parties.

Please contact me (Lisa) at lkihl@umn.edu for questions related to the corruption in sport topic and Dan at D.Parnell@leedsbeckett.ac.uk for questions related to austerity in sport.

Best regards.

Lisa A. Kihl, Ph.D
Associate Professor
School of Kinesiology-Sport Management
University of Minnesota
219 Cooke Hall
1900 University Ave SE.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
612-624-3150 (office), 612-626-7700(fax).


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