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Hirose, N., Nakamura, M., Hirotsu, N., Yoshimura, M., Suganami, M. & Maekawa, N. (2010). Evaluation of individual and team judo strengths using AHP technique and team competition data (Evaluation der Stärke von Judoka und Judoteams durch Nutzung der AHP-Technik und Daten von Mannschaftswettkämpfen). J. Quant. Analysis Sports, 6 (4), 2/1-17. Zugriff am 04.11.2010 unter http://www.bepress.com/jqas/vol6/iss4/2

This study aimed to evaluate individual and team judo strengths using an analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The source of the decision was based only upon the international regulation values assigned to each of the decisive technique: 10 points for an ippon, 7 for a waza-ari and 5 for yuko(s). The data were obtained from Japan’s interscholastic athletic competition for men’s judo (high school teams) in 2005. Our AHP technique demonstrated an ability to predict judo strengths of individual players, and to detect potential players regardless of unsuccessful team results. There was a significant but small correlation between the actual team rankings and predicted team strengths. The predicted team strengths, however, may be more informative and appropriate to evaluate judo strengths than the tournament results, as they were based on the content of each individual match, rather than just win/lose results. Coaches or talent scouts should consider the estimated individual or team strengths as well as competition  results to make more accurate decisions when selecting players or  teams. (Mikrofiche-Nummer: 20912)


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