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As discussões sobre o alongamento parecem intermináveis. Mais um tijolo na construção do conhecimento chega até nós.

Um artigo de revisão sistemática acaba de ser disponibilizado (para assinates) no site do Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ( De mais de 4500 artigos sobre o assunto, somente 106 atenderam aos critérios para análise. Cerca de 30% dos excluidos apresentavam "problemas" de estatística, vamos ficar atentos!

Os autores concluem que somente alongamentos com tempo acima de 60 segundos seriam capazes de causar perda aguda de força. Eles ainda ressaltam que esta prática está longe de ser usada no dia a dia.

O resumo do artigo vai abaixo (e antecipo o apelo do Guru Laercio pela alma caridosa que possa traduzir para a biblioteca do CEV).

Effect of Acute Static Stretch on Maximal Muscle Performance: A Systematic Review Anthony D. Kay1,2; Anthony J. Blazevich2

1 Sport Exercise & Life Sciences, The University of Northampton, Northampton, United  Kingdom;
2 School of Exercise, Biomedical & Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Western Australia

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise: POST ACCEPTANCE, 8 June 2011 doi: 10.1249/MSS.0b013e318225cb27 Published Ahead-of-Print Abstract Introduction: The benefits of pre-exercise muscle stretching have been recently questioned following reports of significant post-stretch reductions in force and power production. However, methodological issues and equivocal findings have prevented a clear consensus being reached. As no detailed systematic review exists, the literature describing responses to acute static muscle stretch was comprehensively examined.

Methods: Medline, ScienceDirect, SPORTDiscus and Zetoc were searched with recursive reference checking. Selection criteria included randomized or quasi-randomized controlled trials and intervention-based trials published in peer-reviewed scientific journals examining the effect of an acute static stretch intervention on maximal muscular performance.

Results: Searches revealed 4559 possible articles; 106 met the inclusion criteria. Study design was often poor as 30% of studies failed to provide appropriate reliability statistics. Clear evidence exists indicating that short-duration acute static stretch (<30 s) has no detrimental effect (pooled estimate = -1.1%), with overwhelming evidence that stretch durations of 30-45 s also imparted no significant effect (pooled estimate = -1.9%). A sigmoidal dose-response effect was evident between stretch duration and both the likelihood and magnitude of significant decrements, with a significant reduction likely to occur with stretches >=60 s. This strong evidence for a dose-response effect was independent of performance task, contraction mode or muscle group.Studies have only examined changes in eccentric strength when the stretch durationswere>60 s, with limited evidence for an effect on eccentric strength.

Conclusion: The detrimental effects of static stretch are mainly limited to longer durations (>=60 s) which may not be typically used during pre-exercise routines in clinical, healthy or athletic populations. Shorter durations of stretch (<60 s) can be performed in a pre-exercise routine without compromising maximal muscle performance.

(C)2011The American College of Sports Medicine


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