Cevnautas, desculpe quem já recebeu o aviso. Congresso sério e importante é assim: anúncio dois anos antes, com tempo para o participante preparar o trabalho, a viagem e a agenda.  No Bananão a despreocupação com essa bobagem de prazo dá vontade de chorar. Congressos vão acontecer daqui a pouco e a gente tem informação nenhuma.

Ai, que preguiça! Laércio

2016 World Leisure Congress | Durban, South Africa


The first World Leisure Congress on the African continent will be hosted by the Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa (LARASA) in Durban, from 27 - 30 June 2016. The aim is to explore the main theme “Challenges, Choices and Consequences” by creating a platform for professionals from diverse fields to interact, share and present a context for leisure services and opportunities. We anticipate speakers and delegates from many countries, communities and academic fields to merge their knowledge by identifying the challenges that confront us, to develop strategies in making the right choices and to achieve positive consequences for all. The benefits of leisure has been widely documented and this congress will highlight the importance of an integrated approach using leisure services to improve the human condition, transform spaces and boost the economy.



------------------------------------- Call for Papers -------------------------------------



A warm and cordial invitation is extended to all presenters and delegates to explore and reflect on the role of leisure across the lifespan and all sectors to become the fastest growing global trend to address global concerns. The congress affords each one an opportunity to share research across the spectrum of the environment, society and the economy. 

The Leisure and Recreation Association of South Africa (LARASA) and The World Leisure Organization (WLO) are now accepting abstracts for the 2016 World Leisure Congress. Each abstract will be subjected to a double-blind peer review by the Scientific Committee and will be assessed according to its thematic relevance, and quality of the research. Presenters accepted for the education sessions will have 20 minutes to present their findings and a further 10 minutes to respond to questions, for an overall duration of 30 minutes per session. Presenters are invited to submit proposals for interactive workshops and panel discussions / commissions, with a maximum of 3 panelists will be allocated 2 hours.


Submissions are invited for the following sub themes: 


1. Leisure and Society 2. Leisure, Health and Happiness 
3. Leisure and the Environment 
4. Leisure, the Economy and Technology 
5. Leisure Research / Methodology / Theory 
6. Leisure and Tourism 
7. Leisure Management 
8. Leisure and Education 
9. Leisure, theme parks and playgrounds 
10. Leisure, culture and creative industries 

The submission of abstracts of between 400-500 words should be submitted online by 30 June 2015, structured as follows : 

a) Full title of paper as it will appear in the conference programme (not more than 10 words) 
b) Abstract should include:
    • background (outline of the context and/or academic literature informing the research
    • approach (indication of the broad theoretical orientation and/ord methodological approach)
    • significance (description and application of the original research finding reported in the paper) 
c) Most relevant conference theme as listed above 
d) Type of presentation :
    • individual educational sessions - one submission per presenter / co-author
    • workshops - maximum number of 3 presenters
    • themed panel discussions - a group of not more than 3 presenters / co-researchers. One abstract will be submitted by the co-ordinator who will convene the panel discussion. 

Due date: 30th June 2015


Click here for further details: 





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