Cevnautas do Lazer,

Abriu mais uma oportunidade de estudo e intercâmbio. Laercio

de:    Katie Misener
de: Katie Misener
para: SPORTMGT@listserv.unb.ca
data: 19 de dezembro de 2014 13:05
assunto: uWaterloo Recreation and Leisure Studies now accepting MA and PhD applications

Dear NASSM members,

The Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada is now accepting MA and PhD applications. Our graduate programs offer students exceptional scholarly training in diverse research areas related to sport and leisure.

We invite you to explore the attached document for further information and application deadlines. Please contact Dr. Heather Mair (Graduate Chair) at hmair@uwaterloo.ca if you have any additional questions.

Wishing my NASSM colleagues all the best over the holiday season,

Katie Misener

Katie E. Misener, PhD
Assistant Professor
Recreation and Leisure Studies
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave W, BMH 2112
Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 ext. 37098 (Phone)
519-746-6776 (Fax)

O documento anexado:

Pursue graduate studies at Canada’s most innovative university

Now is your opportunity to complete your full-time MA or PhD studies in sport and leisure management in Waterloo’s Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. Explore our faculty research pages online to find out if graduate studies at Waterloo is the next step for you. uwaterloo.ca/rec/research/researchers

MA students receive a minimum of $12 000 (CDN) for one year.

PhD students receive a minimum of $21 865 (CDN) per year for up to four years.

These funds are guaranteed to all graduate students admitted to full-time studies in one of our programs for September, 2015.

As you pursue your degree, you will have the opportunity to engage in research and teaching assistantships on a term-by-term basis. Every effort is made to ensure a strong fit between your interests and the teaching or research assignments.

Various sources, published in the Journal of Leisure Research and Leisure Sciences, have evaluated the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies using research quality indicators and all reach the same conclusion: The University of Waterloo is a great place to “study leisure and sport!”

The University of Waterloo is located in the heart of beautiful Southwestern Ontario and has been celebrated as Canada’s most innovative university for 23 consecutive years. Come for a visit and see the potential for innovative graduate student research!

For more information, including admission requirements and the application process, visituwaterloo.ca/rec/grad-studies, email Dr. Heather Mair (Graduate Chair) hmair@uwaterloo.ca, or phone 519-888-4567, ext. 35917.

Apply before February 1, 2015. Contact us after that date to enquire if spaces are still available.


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