Cevnautas do lazer,
Mesmo sendo long sempre tem brasileiro que vai. Quem for, bem que podia mandar notícia pra cá desde já. Laercio
Dr. Andre Thibault, co-chair of the Program Committee, invites academic, practitioner and student submissions for the Mobile Bay 2014 World Leisure Congress to be held Sept. 6-12, 2014.
World Leisure Congress 2014 Theme
The theme of the Congress is “Leisure: Enhancing the Human Condition," and presentations should fit within one of the tracks associated with leisure. Daily subthemes have also been announced:
Health and Wellness Economic Development Environmental Stewardship Emerging Technologies Arts, Culture, Sports and Recreation Building a Livable City World Leisure Organization Commissions The World Leisure Organization currently has 12 commissions. Commissions represent much of the Organization's programming and are expected to make major contributions to its three main objectives: research, information dissemination and advocacy. The current commissions are: Access and Inclusion Children and Youth Leisure Education Leisure Management Leisure in Later Life Law and Policy Leisure Research Tourism Volunteerism Women and Gender Health Promotion and Disease Prevention United Nations Presentations
Poster or oral. Scientific or professional.
Professional presentation is based on a policy, an experience, best practices, a strategy, a program, a change or a development of space or equipment which brought about an improvement in the user’s leisure experience and the set up of conditions for its accomplishment. The presentation answers the following questions: why, what, how and must include the achieved results and effects. Scientific presentation is based on a research approach. It should bring forth a problematic situation, a research issue, a reference framework, a methodology, findings and discussions or propositions resulting from these. Time Allowed 30 Minutes How to Submit Abstracts must be submitted online at http://agora-abstracts.com/en/abstracts/worldleisure2014.
Abstract Deadline The deadline to submit is March 31, 2014.
Questions Call or email the World Leisure Congress Planning Committee: (+001) 800-343-2171 or info@worldleisure2014.org.
World Leisure Organization | 203 WRC, UNI | Cedar Falls, Iowa, USA | secretariat@worldleisure.org www.worldleisure.org
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