Cevnautas, vamos marcar o socialscience individual quadra toda e repassar os debates mais interessantes pra cá? Essa marcação deve ser feita por especialistas. Como recomendaria o Jaguar: "Esse material não deve ser deixado ao alcance dos chatos". A inscrição é digrátis. Laercio

de    SAGE News <sagenews@updates.sagepub.co.uk>
data    20 de abril de 2011 09:12
assunto    Join the debate at socialsciencespace

Why we have launched socialsciencespace

Ziyad Marar, Global Publishing Director of SAGE, writes "...The range of ways that social science can be defended is its weakness as much as its strength. The value of social science is as complex as the subject matter with which it engages; offering long term and short benefits that are both qualitative and quantitative in nature. This is too much for the easy tabloid headline which our culture so often demands; in addition the voices, ranging across disciplines and geography, often talk past each other.

We who believe passionately in the value of the social science face what economists call a coordination problem. We need a focal point..." Read more.

More than 30 international societies have already partnered with socialsciencespace

Societies from across the social sciences and from across the globe are partnering with socialsciencespace. A recent new partner is The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University (CASBS). In the words of CASBS Director, Stephen Kosslyn:

"SAGE is creating for the social sciences the 21st Century equivalent of the town square, library, and water cooler all rolled into one extraordinarily impressive website. This is a bold new endeavor, which is as timely as it is promising. The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University is proud to be a partner in this exciting project." Read more about our partners.

Get involved with socialsciencespace

You can comment on any articles quickly, easily and without registering. Take a look at some current posts. What do you think?

    * Does the furore surrounding the AAA’s removal of the word ‘science’ from their mission statement show us that anthropology needs better communication between the sub-disciplines? Read more

    * Does the way social scientists write stop them being heard? Is academia playing ‘into the hands of the right’? Read more.

    * Absurd decisions by ethics committees. Does such regulation strangle the social sciences? Read more.

    * Lord Giddens, Trevor Phillips, Polly Toynbee and David Willetts MP were among the speakers at the launch of the AcSS’s Campaign for Social Science at the House of Lords earlier this year. Read more.

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