Divulgaçao do Centro de Documentação e Informaçao Esportiva da Universidade de Leipzig (Alemanha) em parceria com o Centro Esportivo Virtual :

  1. Leser, R., Uhlig, J. & Uhlig, M. (2009). Multimedia-based tactical learning in soccer (Multimediabasiertes taktisches Lernen im Fußball). Int. J. Computer Sci. Sport, 8 (1), 53-58. Zugriff am 24.09.2009 unter http://iacss.org/fileadmin/user_upload/IJCSS_FullPaper/Vol8_Ed1/IJCSS-Volume8_Edition1_Leser.pdf

    Among other things, the modern game of football is characterised by pronounced group and team-oriented tactical abilities. Of particular importance is thereby zone defence or zone coverage, which is used by almost all teams playing at an elevated level of performance. In contrast to man-marking, this more efficient form of organisation is very difficult to convey, as attention must at any given time be directed toward several different aspects (ball, opponent, team-mates) and must dynamically adapt to every game situation. The authors describe a project that focussed on that thematic and which resulted in an application for practical use. (Mikrofiche-Nummer: 17806)


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