Recebemos pelo convênio CEV-Leipzig os eslaides da palestra do Prof A. Khan, da Austrália, no 5º Congresso Asia-Pacifico de Tecnologia do Esporte. O problema é que são só os eslaides, sem texto (no .pdf). Material raro que dá pra interpretar/melhorar/usar, mas o ideal seria encontrar o artigo da palestra ou correlatos. Quem vai comigo? Laercio
Hahn, A. (2011). The role of technology in high-performance sport (Die Rolle der Technologie in Hochleistungssport). Zugriff am 06.02.2012 unter
Technological developments are influencing almost every aspect of modern high performance sport. Over the past 30 years, they have totally transformed training and competition environments The high performance sector is very accepting of technologies that assist pursuit of its core functions There remains great scope for future technological innovation (Mikrofiche-Nummer: 25067)
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