Virtual Issue now free online!
Education, Liberalism and Autonomy

Guest Editor: Naomi Hodgson
In this, the first of a series of Virtual Special Issues, key papers are collected from the archives of the Journal of Philosophy of Education to explore the themes of liberalism, autonomy and citizenship, and their interrelationship. Few topics have been more dominant in the journal’s history than liberalism, and the central value within liberalism of autonomy remains a priority and a prominent focus of debate. The papers brought together here illustrate the rich traditions of critical thought around these matters that have been developed in the philosophy of education and underline the importance of their continued questioning in the face of current challenges.

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The virtual issue will be freely available for 30 days!
See below for a sample of the articles on offer.
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Naomi Hodgson

Iris Murdoch, Liberal Education and Human Flourishing
William Evans

Education and the Educated Man
Richard S. Peters

Are Hirst and Peters Liberal Philosophers of Education?
Penny Enslin

Education is Self-Education
Hans-Georg Gadamer

Rawls Theory of Justice and Citizenship Education
Marianna Papastephanou

Submit your paper to Journal of Philosophy of Education

Journal of Philosophy of Education publishes articles representing a wide variety of philosophical traditions. They vary from examination of fundamental philosophical issues in their connection with education, to detailed critical engagement with current educational practice or policy from a philosophical point of view.


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