Cevnautas do Treinamento,

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Dawson, A. & Phillips, P. (2013). Coach career development: Who is responsible? (Laufbahnentwicklung von Trainern: Wer ist verantwortlich?). Sport management review, 16 (4), 477-487. Zugriff am 15.04.2014 unter http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smr.2013.03.003

Career development is crucial to the success of individuals, organizations and industries. As such, in many professions there are prescribed career development processes underpinned by legal and institutional policies that drive managerial practice. Although there has been sustained interest in understanding career development for athletes and building managerial strategies to assist in the process, there is little empirical knowledge about career development of coaches, and how management may assist in the process. The aim of this study is to explore the way in which sport policy discourse and agendas have impacted coach career development. This study demonstrates that coaches' careers are not part of the policy discourse despite their important role in athlete performance, career development and sport organization development and success. Coaches are the key performance managers in sport and yet they are ignored by sport policy makers and managers when considering the development of the Australian sport  workforce (ID: 4031111)   


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