Como todos sabem, recebemos regularmente os resumos do Centro de Documentação de Leipzig, com o qual o CEV mantem um acordo de cooperação. Bom proveito. Laercio
5. Wagner, H., Tilp, M., Duvillard, S. P. von & Mueller, E.(2009). Kinematic analysis of volleyball spike jump (Kinematische Analyse des Angriffsschlags im Volleyball). Int.J. Sports Med., 30 (10), 760-765. Zugriff am 22.10.2009 unter
The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of upper and lower extremity movements on the volleyball spike jump (SJ) and how this movement may differ from the standing vertical jumps due to its asymmetry. The 3-D kinematics of body segments were measured in 16 experienced volleyball players with a VICON motion capture system. The jump heights (JH) of counter-movement (CM) and SJ were determined utilizing a force platform. A significant correlation was found between the JH during the SPJ and the maximal horizontal velocity of the center of mass (CoM) (r=0.71, p=0.002), the minimum height of the CoM (r=-0.68, p=0.004), the JH during CMJ (r=0.66, p=0.006) and SJ (r=0.74, p=0.001), the range of movement of right knee flexion-extension (r=0.76, p=0.001) and the angular velocity of left shoulder hyperextension (r=0.72, p=0.002). The asymmetry of the SJ revealed differences in angles, angular velocities of the right and left legs and arms, and a significant difference (p=0.001) between the distances of the left and right foot center to the CoM. Results of our study suggest the importance of optimal approach technique to reach a maximal JH in the volleyball SJ. The SJ movement is influenced by general jumping ability. (Mikrofiche-Nummer: 17986)
Roberto Affonso Pimentel
em 28 de Outubro de 2009 às 20:39.
A materia eh interessante. Todavia, gostaria que o mesmo estudo estendesse seu exame para os problemas - possiveis lesóes - ocasionadas pelas quedas quase sempre em uma das pernas apos os saltos. As lesoes sao muitas no voleibol e pouco interessam aos dirigentes e ao publico em geral. O tempo dira... Eu mesmo sou uma das suas vitimas.
Roberto Pimentel.
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