Congresso Internacional da ISHPES - 2024ço
UFPR - Setor de Ciências Biológicas
Avenida Coronel Francisco H. dos Santos, 100 Centro Politécnico - Jardim das Américas
The ISHPES Congress 2024 main theme is Cultural transfers and circulation of knowledge: debates and controversies in the history of physical education and sport. We welcome you all to submit individual papers or thematic sessions related to the following subtopics:
- Local/global aspects of sports and physical education
- Physical education and school systems
- Gender issues and diversity in sports and physical education
- Sports and the construction of social boundaries: race, nation, class
- National and international sports and physical education institutions
- Sports, physical education, and scientific debates
- Sports, physical education, and national identities
- Sports, physical education, and nature
- Methodological issues in the study of the history of sports and physical education
- Open papers (only for individual presentations)
Realização: ISHPES; UFPR; UFV