
Global Perspectives and Best Practice (Chin & Edginton,2014) included 109 scholars representing 67 universities and institutions from 40 countries focusing on new directions for physical education and health in their respective countries. This presentation provides an update on global perspectives changes found both in the literature and from discussions at international forums and conferences. Several areas of focus ae interactive technology, community networking, model schools, and best practice which are aligned with the promotion of holistic health and wellbeing. The Foundation of Global Community Health (GCH), founded in 2017, serves as an illustration of the ways in which changes occur. The GCH mission is to improve community health and wellness worldwide by promoting physical, social and emotional health and safety through scientific evidence and culturally relevant school-based intervention strategies. Online streaming projects, such as Brain Break (BB), was initiated by GCH and has developed more than 300 BB videos that are available to the world for free use. The current coronavirus pandemic has caused lockdowns in most countries confining families to their homes and reducing physical activity. Lack of physical activity is now a major global concern, and health professionals recommend that in order to maintain holistic health, regular physical activity is a basic requirement for each family member. Future global directions aimed at the promotion of physical activity and health and the linking of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Active Model School ideal, Whole School, Whole Child and Whole Community (WSCC), and the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG 17), especially “Goal 3, Health and Well-Being, Goal 4 Quality Education, and Goal 11 Sustainable Communities and Cities” is emphasized with the use of case studies.