
: Electronic sports(esports) is an expanding industry at a global level where skilled video gamers compete in the same way as traditional sports like cricket, soccer and basketball play. Esports is not just a phenomenon of the unemployed youth but the industry is real, rapidly growing and also investable. Over 380 million people watch esports both online and in person. Gamers who livestream themselves while playing video games are referred to as streamers. Successful gamers usually start their career at around the age of 16-17 years and they retire at around 24 years of age. Pro gamers can earn up to 6 digit salaries and some even make millions. The rapid growth of esports has raised concerns about the physical well-being of players due to prolonged gaming sessions and repetitive upper limb motions. This study focuses on the upper limb training and the ergonomic corrections of the gamers which may yield them better musculoskeletal health and also a competitive edge
