
: Rigveda, the world oldest literature was created from Bharata (India). The other three ancient Vedas were Samaveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. From Vedas many Upavedas (subvedas) were derived like Gandharbaveda, Dhanurveda, Ayurveda etc. Dhanurveda is the upaveda of Yajurveda and Atharvaveda. Dhanu means archery and Veda is science or knowledge. The present researcher desired to trace the Dhanurveda or science of archery from the ancient Indian literatures. Methods: The Shiva Dhanurveda is the first ancient text in this area referred in the Vasistha Dhanurveda. From Vasistha to Visvamitra Dhanurveda and the present author recognized dozens of ancient Indian texts on the science of archery. Conclusion: It was detected that on those ancient texts they pronounced the bow and its strings; the arrow: parts, fletching, cresting, range and different types of arrows. Ancient archery texts also mentioned quiver, arrowhead extractor, bracer and archer’s ring. The leg and arm positions has been perfectly been reported with excellent slokas or aphorisms. The archer and target locations with air movements has been nicely defined with special aphorisms. From this paper the present scholar endorsed that to give proper respect and value, all the ancient Indian science of archery literatures and its practical application should be merged in modern archery where ever it is applicable.
