Frequentadores da cevcafé,

     Quando o meu orientador FredLitto apresentou o pedido de demissão como professor da pós-graduação em Artes em Nova Yorque, desanimado com o desinteresse dos pós-graduandos, o diretor rebarbou: "Fique calmo, é um pra 500!"). Quando aparece uma menina dessas impondo um salto desse tamanho na tecnologia - basta imaginar o que significa essa capacidade de manejar energia - a gente tende a concordar com o diretor. Laercio


Pesadelo de quem usa smartphones, baterias que não aguentam mais do que um dia de uso foram a inspiração para a estudante Eesha Khare, da Califórnia (EUA), que criou uma bateria que pode ser recarregada totalmente em 20 ou 30 segundos – e aguentar horas de uso.

O dispositivo, uma espécie de supercapacitor, é capaz de armazenar uma grande quantidade de energia em uma estrutura pequena e, além disso, aguenta 10 mil ciclos de recarga (10 vezes mais do que a maioria das baterias recarregáveis). (texto do Hypescience)


da NBC:

18 year old's invention might charge your phone in 20 seconds

18 year old's invention might charge your phone in 20 seconds Reported by Mike E on Sunday, May 19 2013 6:55 am An 18 year old named Eesha Khare has invented a device that can be fully charged in 20 to 30 seconds, which also lasts longer than normal batteries. She did this for an international science fair and took home a $50,000 prize.  

If there is one thing that disappoints a lot smartphone users around the world, it’s battery life. We always wish that the phones would not only charge faster but also last longer than they usually do. Eesha Khare, an 18 year old from Saratoga California has taken the issue into her own hands, and has created an energy storage device that can be fully charged in 20-30 seconds.  

Eesha took home $50,000 at an international science fair for her new device, dubbed the supercapacitor. Not only does it charge quickly and hold the charge for a long time, it also lasts 10 times longer than normal batteries which last around 1000 charge cycles, that’s 10,000 for the mathematically impaired, which is very impressive.  

The 18 year old explained to NBC news that the reason she was inspired to do this was because her cell phone battery always died. She also cited her deep interest in nanochemistry as another reason for wanting to explore it. Eesha remains excited about the future of her device. "It is also flexible, so it can be used in rollup displays and clothing and fabric," Khare added. "It has a lot of different applications and advantages over batteries in that sense."   As long as we have people like Eesha Khare in charge of the next generation of technology, I say our future looks pretty bright.   Source: NBC News  

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Por Cláudia Bergo
em 22 de Maio de 2013 às 08:26.

Uma vez rompida a barreira da bateria, os que ainda não aderiram às TIC vão perdendo argumentos. Menininha de ouro, esta, ou seria de lítio, cádmio e silício?

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