Cevnautas, mais agressiva que os esportes, as demonstrações em circo exigem rendimento máximo vom a conversaários dias por semana e muitas vezes por ano. O Cirque do Soleil tem vários ex-campeões de ginástica. Como deve ser a psicologia do rendimento esportivo (mental performance)? Parece boa essa conversa: Ryan McCarthy: From National Champion to Cirque de Soleil. Laercio var min=11; var max=18; var element_ID_adjusted = "Content"; var fontSizeCookieName = "mich-fontSize"; checkFontSizeCookie();

Sport Psych in Performing Arts (Cirque du Soleil)
Ian Connole   para SPORTPSY
Hi Sport Psych and Friends,

I thought this article had interesting insight into the mental performance of an athlete turned Cirque du Soleil performer:

"The biggest difference is you know how to get up for the NCAAs and Big Tens, but Cirque is different because you have to be at a peak performance 10 shows per week, 300 shows per year. You can’t have an off-night, because that may be the only night somebody comes to see the show. It requires a different type of sports psychology, and they’re working with us on that.
All the best,

Ian Connole
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Doctoral Student
BIP Graduate Teaching Assistant
West Virginia University
Box 6116, Morgantown, WV


Por Marco Antonio Coelho Bortoleto
em 24 de Fevereiro de 2011 às 15:35.

Vale a pena ler isso:

SHRIER, I et al. Injury patterns and injury rates in the circus arts: an analysis of 5 years of data from Cirque du Soleil. Am J Sports Med. 2009 Jun;37(6):1143-9.

Marco Bortoleto

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