Capoeiras,   para que entendam a Capoeira Desportiva e sua organização ao redor do mundo, coloco a disposição de voces alguns endereços eletronicos -  sitios – para que possam se atualizar sobre esse movimento esportivo.   A participação do Maranhão/Brasil nesse movimento deve ser saudável, com todo o respeito com as ideias e pensamento contrarios à nossa filosofia; o que ví naquela reunião do Fórum Maranhense da Capoeira. Claro que ao aceitar a opinião do outro – e a forma de pensar a Capoeira – temos que estar de mente aberta.   Lembrando um preceito juridico, naquilo que se refere ao Codigo Internacional da Capoeira Desportiva, o fato de desconhecer a legislação, não me isenta de cumpri-la – ou de aceita-la e obedecer. Assim, a Angola e a Regional são contempladas, como a Contemporanea… não há porque não aceitar e dizer-se contra, sem se conhecer seu conteudo.   Acredito que essa seria uma boa oportunidade de, todos, tomarem conhecimento do documento, leitura e analise, e depois uma discussão durante reunião do Forum, para melhor entendimento.   Segue a Roda…   The Capoeira is a game that emerged in Brazil in 1770. He is currently practiced in 132 countries. Was recognized as a sport by the Brazilian government in 1890, 1941, 1954 and 1972. In 1995 he was recognized by Brazilian Olympic Committee. In 06/061999 he founded the International Federation of Capoeira. In 2008 was organized the first World Cup Capoeira. The sports practice is regulated by the Capoeira International Sportive Code. We understand as Capoeira aiming at International Federation Statute of Capoeira, the different sports aspects, educational, playful, therapeutic, artistic, cultural, mystic, philosophical and folkloric without distinction of style, Martial Arts of genuine Brazilian root, that considering its formation process , structure and fundamentals reach characteristics from Formal and Informal Sport also having or have had other denominations or name derivate as well as others which can occasionally appear, all under its coverage of activities, which is particular in a system of defense and attack, and it can be used as Art, Dance, Gymnastics, Fight and Game, individually, double or groups, through rhythmic and constant movements with agility, flexibility and body control, moving back, insinuation and falls, using any part of the body, specially legs, arms and head having as basic movement the ginga (body movement typical of capoeira and other kinds of dance). It is practiced together with musical instruments, considering the traditional standards for Capoeira Angola and Capoeira Regional, which the use of berimbau is essential.

Project Definition – Full member of SportAccord (2016)

Introduction - FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION OF CAPOEIRA Baku, Azerbaijao, 4 e 5 de julho de 2009.  

The signatory countries elect this International Federation of Capoeira as the only worldwide entity of administration, regulation and sports management, and demand its recognition by the International Olympic Committee, stating in an international basis, the following:

1- The Capoeira survival in a globalised world depends on integrated actions between all groups and the ones who practice this form of traditional sport, aiming at its unification and strengthening.

2- The teaching of Capoeira will always happen in the local language of the country, but its songs and its movement nomenclature will only by taught in Portuguese language. It will be covered all these aspects: entertainment, sports, cultural, educational, artistic, folkloric and martial, preserving its fundamentals and origin considering its roots in Brazil. And its spread through the world will be promoted as a culture of peace among peoples.

3- The International Sports Code of Capoeira will be taken up worldwide for competitions and standard of criteria for teacher training, sports technician and Capoeira referees, as well as uniform and grades.

4- It must be organized Centers for Technical, Cultural and Sports Training in several countries, dully accredited according to the standards of International Sports Code of Capoeira.

5- Capoeira songs express its Philosophical Code. Their meanings must be taught to all its members. They will be sang in harmony with its rhythmic applications and body movements as specific requirements for each situation in the game. Songs discriminating small ethnic, religious and similar groups must not be used.

6- It is condemned the extraction of wood from native forests to manufacture berimbaus, but its plantation is encouraged aiming at protecting the environment.

7- We must look for opportunities to bring in sponsors and entrepreneurs interested in provide incentives to Capoeira as a sport, education and culture.

8- Fair Play is encouraged and any form of violence including sports doping is condemned.

9- Capoeira is considered one cultural heritage of humanity because of the different peoples from America, Europe, Africa and Asia, who in a direct or indirect form participated in its formation process in Brazil.

10- Fifth of July (July 5th) is established as Capoeira Worldwide Day, celebrating the signature of this First International Convention of Capoeira, and this date should lead to a reflection about its development process and the affirmation of its identity.

Taleh Orujov – Azerbaijan Capoeira Federation, E. Javier Rubiera Cuervo – Agrupacion Española de Capoeira, Simone Scardua – Federazione Svizzera di Capoeira, Roman Belov – Russian Kapoeira Federation, Vicente da Silva – Canadian Capoeira Federation, Rogerio Vieira – Federazione Italiana Capoeira, Etibar Isayev – Georgia Capoeira Federation, Ali Reza Sepehrnia – Iran Capoeira Federation, Ronaldo Braz Brandão – USA Capoeira Federation, Vicente de Paula Mendes – Deutsch Verband Capoeira, Nelson de Andrade Barros – Associacao Portuguesa de Capoeira, Kobalchynskiy Vitaliy – Ukraine Capoeira Federation, Ramid Niftaliyev – Estonia Capoeira Federation, Dennis Eckart – Representante Nacional da Jamaica, Vladimir Vieira Farias – Representante Nacional da Argentina, Eun-Sup Kim – Representante Nacional da Coreia do Sul, Silvio Romero da Silva – Representante Nacional de Singapura, Paulo Ricardo Bernardo Marques – Representante Nacional da Polônia, Eduardo Silva Storti – Representante Nacional da Franca, Prof. Sergio Luiz de Souza Vieira – Pos-Ph.D. Presidente

Baku, Azerbaijao, 5 de julho de 2009.

ter, 18/10/11 por leopoldovaz | categoria A VISTA DO MEU PONTO, Capoeira


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