Sex, 28/08/09 por leopoldovaz | categoria Ciência & Informação, Informação, Natação

Os Professores de Educação Física, Denise Araújo e Osvaldo Telles, proprietários da ACADEMIA VIVA ÁGUA, estarão participando, no próximo mês de outubro, de dois eventos internacionais de natação.

O primeiro, de 3 a 7 de outubro, no Canadá, será o WORLD AQUATIC BABIES CONFERENCE, como congressistas. Vão verificar como está o estado-da-arte da Natação para Bebês, uma das especialidades da Viva Água.

A Profa. Denise é referencia mundial no ensino de natação para crianças. Já há 10 anos Denise participa dos congressos mundiais de natação para bebês, ora como convidada para palestras, ora como congressista.

Este ano, o Congresso foi dividido em dois, sendo um na Inglaterra e outro no Canadá. Denise havia confirmado sua participação na Inglaterra, quando chegou o convite para falar no México. As datas estavam coincidindo. Então optou pelo evento do Canadá, que antecede ao do México. De Vancouver deve ir a San Luis de Potosi.

No México participará como conferencista e ministrará uma clínica de natação na VIII CLÍNICA INTERNACIONAL ACUATICA NELSON VARGAS, em San Luis Potosí, Mexico de 9 a12 de Octubre - – onde apresentará três trabalho:

- “Familiarización del bebé al medio acuático” - 9 de Octubre

- ” Actividades lúdicas para niños menores de 3 años” 10 de Octubre

- “De la enseñanza al alto rendimiento en la natación” 11 de Octubre

A Acuática Nelson Vargas “es una institución que lleva más de 30 años comprometida con el desarrollo, difusión y actualización de la natación en México, es por ello que desde hace algún tiempo, cada año realiza una Clínica Mundial de Natación, pues creemos que la realización de estas clínicas, contribuye al perfeccionamiento de la enseñanza de la natación en nuestro país. Este año, la Clínica ANV busca reunir a grandes personalidades de la disciplina; destacados entrenadores que han marcado la historia de la natación, expertos en temas de natación y de la enseñanza de natación, entre otros. El objetivo de la Clínica es el brindar un espacio común en el que cada uno de nuestros ponentes, comparta, a los asistentes, sus conocimientos, experiencias y motivaciones que los han llevado a lograr sus éxitos y al mismo tiempo, proporcionar conocimientos que ayudarán al desempeño de los nadadores, instructores y entrenadores de natación que asistan a la Clínica.”

Já Osvaldo está sendo convidado para expor mais dois temas: para as Escuelas de Natación: “Detalles técnicos en la enseñanza de los estilos” – clínica - a confirmar - e a parte de Entrenadores: Como establecer las correctas rutinas de entrenamientos en tierra, também a confirmar.

Lulu Cisneiro, diretora cientifica do evento do México, ao saber que Osvaldo estaria no Canadá, está estendo o convite para as conferencias no México.

Como ambos estão participando do 23º encontro anual da União das Escolas de Natação, em Goiás, esta semana, deverá confirmar sua participação na próxima semana.

Além de Denise e Osvaldo, haverá a participação de:

- Lourdes Cisneros de Hernández - Propietaria y directora de “Lulú Cisneros Educación Acuática”; Nadadora desde su infancia, maestra desde 1977; Certificada por la “United States Swim School Association”(USSSA) como instructora de bebés ; Cuenta con el reconocimiento de la USSSA para certificar instructores de bebés en México y Latinoamérica; Ponente a nivel nacional como internacional, de diversos temas relacionados con la natación y el desarrollo infantil; Reconocida con el “Guiding Light Award” de la USSSA. ;Es miembro fundador de NADEN, Asociación de Escuelas de Natación en Monterrey. Es Licenciada en Administración de Empresas, concluyó los Diplomados de Educación Preescolar, de Psicología Infantil y de Alta Dirección en Administración en el Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey.

- Aarón Sámano - Entrenador en jefe y director de “Little Fins Swim School” en Mansfield, Texas; Innovador en la enseñanza de bebés y niños; Creador del “Pool Assisted Learning System (PALS)”, sistema de apoyo para la eficaz enseñanza de natación de bebés y niños

- Michael Bottom - Reconocido a nivel mundial como uno de los mejores entrenadores de natación; Especialista en entrenamientos para pruebas de velocidad (50mts libres); Es el noveno entrenador de 87 años de historia del equipo de natación de la Universidad de Michigan; En 2004 y 2008 asistió a las Olimpiadas como entrenador del equipo de natación de Croacia

- Oscar Ramírez Contreras - Licenciado en entrenamiento deportivo; egresado en la Escuela Superior de Educación Física (México); Maestría en Teoría y Metodología del Entrenamiento Deportivo; egresado del Instituto Superior de Cultura Física. (Moscú, URSS); Doctor en Ciencias de la Cultura Física; egresado del Instituto Superior de Cultura Física “Manuel Fajardo”. (La Habana, Cuba) ; Catedrático Titular de la Escuela Nacional de Entrenadores Deportivos. (México); Entrenador de la Acuática Nelson Vargas Centro de Entrenamiento desde 1989.

- Roberto Strauss - Nadador Olímpico Nacional 1972; Fundador de “Swim Gym™” “Swim School” (1983) y “SG Aquatic Sports Camp” (1995) en Miami, Florida; Ha dado conferencias motivacionales para entrenadores e instructores de natación en más de 20 países desde 1978; Ha logrado que más de 35,000 estudiantes de diversas edades, hallan acreditado los programas de Swim Gym

- Steven Munatones Portrait - Ha sido en numerosas ocasiones el entrenador nacional de aguas abiertas del equipo de Estados Unidos; Miembro honorario del Salón Internacional de la Fama de Natación de aguas abiertas y miembro de la mesa directiva del mismo; Escritor y promotor de natación en aguas abiertas en las revistas “World Swimming Magazine” y “Swimming Australia Magazine”; Participó como narrador de la cadena de televisión NBC, durante las Olimpiadas de Beijín, en el maratón de natación de 10km en aguas abiertas; Creador del diccionario de aguas abiertas y el top 100 mundial de aguas abiertas



John Bainbridge - “The Backfloating Controversy” - John will take us through an in depth look into the issue of backfloating with infants. A balanced presentation looking at various methods of backfloating with infants and toddlers. The survival method is dealt with in some detail.

Dave DuBois - “Creating or Re-creating a Teaching Manual for your Infant Program”- Dave will share the process of updating and revising a teacher training manual while offering suggestions to make each step easier and more effective. As a part of the process he will discuss involving staff as a key component and also will review photography, design, branding and production of a very visually appealing finished document.

Kirk Marks - “Aquatic Education for Babies and Infants – A study of History and the Methodology” - Kirk will guide us in a detailed exploration of the processes and what impact they have had and continue to have on teaching of aquatic skills to babies and infants. His presentation explores the history of infant swimming, the learning principles and the various processes involved through the use of graphic images and historical footage obtained in more than 30 years of research.

Barbara Nolan - “Training Great Infant Swim Teachers” - Parents attending infant swim classes trust their swim teacher with the most precious being in the world — their child, so swim schools have a responsibility to be well informed, up-to-date and to use the worlds best teaching practices. Barbara will take us through a step-by step process to identify the key components to becoming a great infant teacher. She will also take us through an easy to follow swim teacher evaluation process which will identify weaknesses, provide solutions and give us a training tool to keep teachers on top of their game.

Kelly Pollock - “Infant Aquatics in Swimland and the Learners Connection” - Kelly will share an overview of a very successful infant program run at a number of facilities. She will focus on program quality and consistency as well as teaching and learning outcomes.

Kelly Rae - “Birth Experience and Unresolved Trauma” - For some babies, leaving the safe waters of the womb will leave an indelible imprint in shaping their future. Kelly’s presentation will explore the relationship between birth experience, unresolved birth trauma and the healing potential of warm water in a safe aquatic learning environment. In combination with a holistic approach and other important influences, it has been demonstrated that reconnecting babies with water from an early age can enhance their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Kelly Rae - “Stop Being So Childish” - Kelly will take us through a dynamic presentation to look at the “terrible twos”… why this is a time of frustration for parents often leading to dropping out of lessons. She will identify key issues; development of will power and emergence of independence, learning plateaus, parent interpretations of behaviour, changes in routines and more. Kelly will provide a variety of teaching strategies that really work to minimize anxiety and stress and to maximize success.

Shawn Read - “Marketing and Promoting Your Babies Program As The Flagship of Your Swim School” - Shawn will share many innovative methods to promote your babies swim program including; underwater photos and dvds, continuous loop dvds, program certificates, program videos above and underwater with musical soundtrack, parent information sheets and how to build a relationship with local journalists to keep your program in the news!

Julie Zancanaro - “Terrific Toddler Transitions” - A Developmental Approach to Dealing with Change. In this presentation Julie clarifies the common causes of conflict in swimming lessons for toddlers (18 months to 36 months), with particular focus on 2 year olds and the transitional events commonly associated with this group. Strategies for making the transition from parent and child programs to programs without parents are explored in depth — giving swim teachers lots of new ideas to explode the myth of the “Terrible Twos”!


Noa Glotter - “A Study on Attachment and Self-Esteem in Baby Swimming” - (This is a joint session co-presented with Ulrika Faerch of Sweden.) Noa and Ulrika will take us through a cross-cultural journey about the psychological aspects of Baby Swimming. They will present a study on the aspects for both the parents and the children as related to the water experience.


Lulu Cisneros - “Lessons That Enhance Child Development, Swim Skills and Fun!” - Lulu will take us on a visual journey to explore unique aspects of her programs; music, laughter, unique teaching equipment and techniques that all delight parents and children alike. She will also explore the developmental benefits of participating in an active babies program. Her swim school has been the recipient of a major business success award in Mexico… she will show you why!

Beatriz Esesarte Pesqueira - “The Aquatic Context in Baby Swimming” - Beatriz is passionate to spread the message that water can help us as a great educative tool to become better human beings as individuals and as a species. She designed a specialized pool (a one of a kind design) where babies can naturally adapt to water through their own sensations, feelings, thoughts and movements; generating awareness in the parents of the importance of communication in the present moment with the water and their babies.

New Zealand

Jenny McPhail - “Water Discovery and The Lesson Planner” - Swim lessons that are fun, skill based and standardized in terms of educational value are essential in achieving high quality water education. Jenny’s presentation discusses the issues faced by swim schools and presents a solution that could be applied globally. Water Discovery’s custom designed web application, The Lesson Planner achieves this while allowing teachers to express their individuality through their lessons. The Lesson Planner is a resource which provides a place to store information, train and motivate teachers and generate feedback. also provides a forum which aims to unify swim teachers around the world.


Carlos Santos and Eduarda Santos Veloso - “Baby Aquatic Balance Assessment” - At the Wellington 2007 Conference Carlos and Eduarda presented the Underwater Orientation and Breathing Control assessment tools. Those tools permit us to know where the baby is in the learning process. With this knowledge, the teacher can better re-program the activities in the pool and can better inform the parents about the next goals as well as to check if the child is performing the expected competencies for his/her age. The same scientific approach was made in the last two years, this time focusing on the Baby Aquatic Balance dimension. They will share with us this well validated tool and corresponding data from the assessment of over 100 children in their program.


Anne Asterhall - “Why and How to Implement the Halliwick Concept Into Babyswimming” - Halliwick is based on principles of hydrostatics, hydrodynamics and kinesiology. It is an holistic approach, bringing together knowledge about; the water and the body; teaching and learning; motivation, challenge, activities, games and music; group dynamics, disability equality issues and swimming strokes. Anne will guide us through a ten point program; Points 1 and 2 are Mental Adjustment, which includes breathing control, relaxation and disengagement, the process of becoming independent in the water. Both are points the swimmer has to deal with as each new skill is introduced. The control of rotational forces are covered in points 3 to 6, then comes learning about Upthrust, Balance and Turbulent Gliding (points 7 to 9) and finally Propulsion.

Ulrika Faerch - “A Study on Attachment and Self-Esteem In Baby Swimming” - (This is a joint session co-presented with Noa Glotter of Israel as noted above) United Kingdom Jess Thompson -

Paul Thompson - “Teaching Babies to Swim; A Serious Business” - Jess and Paul will show us how they manage 29 Water Babies franchises with more than 16,000 clients in 5 countries! They will share with us their baby swim program, training instructors, quality control, PR and marketing, taking exceptional underwater photos, and their unique product development line.

United States of America

Bryan Crane - Lana Whitehead - “Move and Learn; The Power of Movement” - Bryan and Lana co-present a fascinating exploration into the area’s of the brain that control learning and how they are affected and stimulated by movement and how movement develops the nervous system. They will highlight the benefits of early childhood movement as applied to baby swimming. “Incorporating Water Safety and Survival Skills into Your Program” - In the United States, drowning is the leading cause of accidental injury and death in the pediatric age group. Drowning is also the major cause of accidental death in Australia and New Zealand for children under five. The goal for water safety lessons is to prepare the child for an emergency situation if he falls into the water accidentally. Bryan and Lana will guide us through the SWIMkids water safety methods.

Jan Emler - “Child Behavior in Swim Students 3 and Under” - A curriculum for babies and three year olds is a living, breathing thing. It changes and grows each year. After 34 years of teaching babies, Emler Swim School continues to make significant changes to their curriculum. Jan is very excited to share what they have learned. Her goal is to give participants many practical ideas and tips to take back to their swim programs. She will review; Typical behavior of babies and their parents, How to approach these behaviors to successfully teach babies to swim and she will apply these same concepts to the three year olds.

Debbie Marrs-Sayers - “Aquatic Infant Beginnings-Connecting the Natural Aquatic Environment from Birth” - Debbie will present a practical program orientation and presentation guide for Aquatic Educators. Her focus is on the 0-6 month age group for reflexes, development and application. This presentation will set the stage with an orientation to prepare clients to celebrate with their unique child in the water and to maximize their lesson success.

Frank Sahlein - “Your Business Can Thrive Even in Tough Economic Times” - Frank pioneered the Children’s Learning Opportunity Center concept in a massive working lab of 35,000 square feet of synergistic programs. The management systems that Frank has designed allow the Wings Center to be run with minimal owner time. Today he focuses on helping businesses to have; “Best Practices, Breakthrough Programs and Blockbuster Profits”. Hang on to your seat, Frank will provide an exciting ride to your business success even in challenging times!


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