Cevnautas da Psicologia,

Estive buscando a página da ISSP pra dar a noticia da partida do nosso Ruy Krebs, mas não funcionou. Será que fecharam em luto por três dias?http://www.issponline.org/ . Alguém pode ajudar? Obrigado, Gente Boa. Laércio

PS: Sobre o Ruy Krebs: http://cev.org.br/comunidade/ef-esporte/debate/perdemos-o-ruy-krebs-educacao-fisica-ficou-mais-pobre/


Por Rafael Moreno Castellani
em 24 de Dezembro de 2010 às 12:11.

Oi Laercio!!

não sei exatamente a partir de quando, mas a noticia do falecimento do Ruy já está na página deles.



Dear all ISSP members,
We are very sorry to inform you that Dr. Ruy Krebs passed away on December 11 2010, and the funeral was held at the same day.
Dr. Ruy Kerbs was a Professor at the State University of Santa Catarina, the former president of the International Society of Child Studies and the former president of Brazilian College of Motor Behavior. In 2009, he was elected a member of the ISSP Managing Council. Ruy also organized the ISSP-MC meeting in June 2010. Few weeks ago, he was elected the "Best Professor" in the department of PE & Sport at the State University of Santa Catarina, and he was designated one of the ten most influencing personalities in Brazilian Physical Education some months ago.
Although we lost a sport psychology beacon, his spirit and initiatives not only have been tremendously influential on us, but they will continue to inspire future generations in sport psychology.

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