Cevnautas poliglotas e autruista da psicologia do esporte,

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Int. J. Sport PsychoL, 1994; 25:100-118
Sport Performance Phobias

JOHN M. SILVA,  Department of Physical Eãucation, University of North Carolina, USA.

The descriptioti and treatment of sport performance phobias in notoriously absent from hoth the sport psychology literature and the psychological counseling Üterature in general. The present study systematically defines sport performance phobias and differentiates these phychological responses from other categories of phobic responses. Data based outcome assessment are presented for athktes experiencing sport performance phobic responses in competitive athletic settings. Detatled intervention information including pre and post data is presented for a female tennis player who developed a phobic response about coming to the net and baseball catcher «watch listed» by professional teams who developed an inability to throw the bali back to the pitcher accurately. Unique challenges presented by sport performance phobias are adâressed and recommendatton for interventions taking place while an athlete is in-season are provided for consideration.

K E Y WORDS: Competkiveness, Sport phobia.


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