Cevnautas da Psicologia,

Acredito que o 6º Congresso FSU tenha boas idéias e contato. Desculpe a duplicação quem já participa da lista sportpsy. Laercio

De: Urska Dobersek urskadobersek@gmail.com por  listserv.temple.edu         

Dear List,

The Sport Psychology Organization & Research Team (SPORT) is pleased to announce the 6thAnnual FSU SPEAR Conference (Feb 20-21). The conference brings together respected scholars, coaches, and players to contribute unique insights into the science of sport.
This year’s theme is Life Lessons Learned Through Sport. The focus of the conference is on examining and discussing important lessons that are acquired through the participation in a sport competition.

Our keynote speakers are Dr. Daniel Gould and Heisman Trophy winner  Jameis Winston. Other special speakers include USA Olympic Coach Steve Nunno, Dr. Amber Shipherd, Mark Campbell, The FSU Golden Girls, The FSU Belly Dancers, and the FSU Department of Music

To register please follow the link below:

More information about SPORT and SPEAR can be found at  http://www.coe.fsu.edu/Current-Students/Departments/Educational-Psychology-and-Learning-Systems-EPLS/Current-Students/Educational-Psychology/EP-Program-Areas/Sport-Psychology/SPORT/SPEAR-Conferences

Email us at sportpsychorg@gmail.com  if you have questions, suggestions, or concerns.


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